Act 73: Family Moments

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)


「Act 73: Family Moments

Galactic City, Coruscant 38ABY

Ben had got his emotional hurricane in full force today. He was joking and light on the surface, but deep down, everything was a holy mess. The trial was over; Rey, Luke, his friends, and he were now roaming the Galactic city streets, observing the little shops around the market. They had split into small groups, everyone talking to someone: in the middle Poe and Finn, Jannah, and Lando, the droids and Chewie. In the background, Ben and Luke were following, and in front of them was the real madness, Dark Rey and Rey.

Solo's eyes would fall against Rey wanting to pull her into his vortex, and, with each jibe, she felt the winds clipping her core. And as tempting as it was to jump in, to take up the thrill of the challenge, standing next to Dark Rey had killed the mood, and Rey felt tired from her emotions. A few moments ago, when she showed up outside of the courtroom wanting to talk with her, Rey almost fled. Although she had no reason any longer to be terrified of the clone, merely standing there and talking to her as if they had known each other for years, it didn't make any sense.

She wore a royal silk robe, grey and black, made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose. A semicircular, high collar made of silk-like materials headed the ankle-length robe. She walked as lightly as an acrobat. A puff of wind swept through her long hair before it slipped into the small alleys of the market. Her height was taller than Rey since she was wearing heels, and she had finally pulled herself out of her thoughts and spoke.

"Rey," her clone said calmly, "You don't have to be afraid of me."

She didn't want to admit that she was terrified of her, so instead, she said, "Why are you helping us..." she corrected herself, "Why are you helping Ben? Why are you acting as you care about the Galaxy, about the ... me?"

Dark Rey took it in a slower stride. "Another life called to me; Palpatine wanted a vessel to return to this world. Dalkor wanted a tool to destroy the Galaxy. I didn't want either of that."

"How did you know?" Rey finally started talking with her overcoming the awkwardness between them.

"A feeling. A Vision," she smirked, and her teeth were revealed, but they weren't pointed, "Nothing of those. There were no secrets; I was created to be Palpatine's back plan. I agreed. But as the years passed and I slowly read and visited planets, I realized that the Emperor and Delkor would be the doom of the Galaxy. They didn't want to rule, but to destroy."

"And you decided to take over?" Rey pressed.

"I treasured life and the Galaxy, Rey," she responded, "I'm not corrupted in the ways you believed me to be. I'm not innocent, I am cruel, and you can add a few more negatives, but nothing like the Sith Lord."

"I don't remember you that way, " Rey answered, "In Kef Bir, you showed your true colors, you fought against us; how are you any different?"

The clone smirked at her reaction. "I only advised you: 'Not to be afraid of who you are?'"

"You attacked me, and you scared the hell out of me!" Rey stated loudly, and the rest heard her.

Star Wars: A dyad in the Force 「A Reylo FanFiction」Where stories live. Discover now