Act 60: Free Fall

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)

Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include a character's death!

「Act 60: Free Fall

The gap of Celestial Forest, Eanor, 37 ABY

"How long until we reach Blossom Forest, Ben?" Poe asked him. Everyone needed to get the journey over as quickly as possible and were willing, tired as they were, to go on marching still for several hours.

"I don't know," came Ben's voice as he was hiking ahead. Ben had read the scripts, but there were not always details added to aid their journey. Like now, as they were passing through the gap, their knowledge was limited.

The path twisted around a few turns and then began to descend. It went steadily down for a long while before it became level once again. The party was walking for hours inside the gap as the air changed slightly; it became colder and heavier as they followed Ben. Most seemed to be bothered by the darkness, though Ben had no issue. The gap of the Celestial Forest was vast and intricate beyond their imagination. It was after nightfall when they had entered more profoundly into the passage surrounded by large ancient trees, they had been going for several hours with only brief halts, and they decided to take a more extended break.

Hux and Rose didn't wait at all; they went over a tree and found shelter. They sat there, searching for their backpack for food. The droids had issues with the cold, and they were in a low function. Finn and Jannah had been in private talks for days now like they were trying to find the answer to an impossible question. Chewie complained as he didn't like the dark narrow passage between a few bushes they were following for a long time. Poe and Zorii were also talking about old memories and felt nostalgic. Ben and Rey were in a lengthy debate if their decision to follow that route was right, and Ben even mentioned if they should have taken the risk of arriving in the unknown regions to undo the black stone.

The company had rested enough. Now, they were again ready to walk further. For a brief instant, there was a blaze like lightning. Great shadows sprang up and fled; everyone was speechless at the view. They never expected to find such a beautiful sight inside that dark place. That dusty passage seemed like a forgotten place in time, filled with dust and large veins. The company stirred and looked up and began to search for anything that would give them tidings of what had happened there. Ben gazed behind him, sensing a disturbance through the Force. "You can feel it too?" he asked Rey, and she nodded.

"Something or someone is out there!" said Finn as he stepped next to Ben; Finn could feel the Force sometimes, and at that particular moment, he felt like something was there waiting for them.

Suddenly there came a great noise. Like a rolling Boom, like something had fallen into the depths far below, and to tremble in the ground at their feet. The company glanced around uncomfortably. The passage fell into a strange silence; everyone was speechless.


Rey's stomach roiled, and tears streamed down her face. She could feel through the force of the disturbance something was approaching them, and the feeling it left behind was terrifying. There came an echoing blast. Ben slowly gazed upon his shoulders; there was a hurrying sound of many feet and harsh cries. Both their ways were cut as the unknown enemy was approaching them from both sides.

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