Act 63: Coven Terror:: Ground Battle

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)

Author's Note:

Aw, boy here we are, the next chapter should be the endgame. I am not sure if it will take one or two chapters, but I'm excited to write but also terrified about how to make this fight unforgettable. And I hope you guys will like the twists that will follow! Here is a small chapter before the ride begins.


Coven Terror

「Act 63: Ground Battle」

Front Gate Mountain of Terror, Eanor, 37 ABY

Two days later, the army of the west was all assembled on the west outside the gateway. Scouts reported that no enemies remained upon the roads east as far as the Crossroads ensuring safe passage for the company. All now was ready for the last throw. Finn's company was finally noticeable. At last, the trumpets rang, and the army began to move. Troop by troop, and company by company, they wheeled. Finn, Rose, Hux, and Jannah followed.

On the east, the company's remaining eyes the sky nervously; the clouds that had been wispy and white that morning were now darker and denser. They quickened their pace; this was not the day to be caught in a delay. They had reached the passage towards the Coven of Terror. The path towards the cliffs was grey, as the sun had not elevated over the black ridges. A dread fell on the second group as they hiked between the lines of ancient stones. None could long endure the hollow that the coven was emitting.

The red-haired man's troops reached the gate, unopposed. Now in their debate, some had counseled that the gate should first be assailed, and if they might take it, it should be utterly destroyed. Yet, the enemy this time was longer in numbers. No one could speak urgently because of the evil that dwelt in the surroundings of the coven, where the minds of living men would turn to madness and horror.

"Where are they?" Rose asked, scanning the area for the enemy, but she couldn't see anyone. "Are we sure they are informed?"

"Trust me; they will show!" Hux answered her as he was as well, keeping his gaze pinned against the gate.

There was a long silence, more extended than it should be. From the wall and gate, no cry or sound was heard in answer. Suddenly, the silence broke, and the gate creaked and swayed open, revealing an army of awful marching creatures. Their full attention was pinned against them. One by one, the creatures with the black armor dashed off the gate, with one purpose only to destroy the troops in front of them.

The Captains of the West were foundering in a gathering sea. The sun gleamed red as he addressed an unsettled army of men and the rest. The group of four stood with them; their blasters were ready to engage in the deadly battle. The men answered by drawing their weapons. The enemy's masses began to encircle the army of men.

At the west gate, the battle had started. Though the enemy not only paced his attack in their weapons, they liked to terrorize their enemy. Fear was shackled; fear was a knife in the gut slowly twisted; fear was a constant hammer on the head. The order was obeyed, and the catapults threw debris over the army of the humans. The soldiers dodged behind their shields as the leaders of their fellow soldiers fell. Terror grew around them because they knew they would have the same fate soon. Their doom was so heavy on them, and hope was not yet seen.

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