Act 22: The new Spy of the Resistance

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc., to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction.

Author's Note:

First of all, thank you for reading my story. It means a lot that you still reading the story and that is the reason I want to update as often as I can. 


「Act 22: The New Spy of the Resistance


The Analyzer, 36 ABY

en felt the cuffs digging painfully into his wrists. There were chains around his ankles, and his left cheek lay firmly in the dust that coated the cold concrete floor. From a high window came a rectangle of light, sending a white beam to illuminate the grime and show the dust swirling in the air. If he could reach it, he might be able to find out where he was. He already knew that he had been taken to an older area in the Analyzer used as a prison. He strained his ears for even the faintest noise, the mechanical voice of a guard, or the passing footsteps of a small squad, even the slight whir of a passing droid, but to all appearances, he was alone. He closed his eyes.

The day before Poe had come to him with a request, Poe wanted him to be a spy for the Resistance, and Ben had agreed readily. He had known, and he had known it well, that if the First Order caught him, he would be as good as dead. But taking the position as a double agent had been the least that he could do to aid the Resistance, and it had the added benefit of a one-way ticket off Jakku. Poe had walked him through the plan and told him which frequencies Ben could use to stream the information from the Analyzer to the Resistance.

Poe had been adept at conceiving the plan and strategically walking Ben step by step through it. Solo had memorized every detail of Poe's ideas and methods to understand better the man he was working with. They had clicked as a team, almost as if they could have been friends or comrades in arms in another life. Even Finn had noted that 'Kylo Ren' could cooperate with Poe, his close friend, perfectly well, and Finn didn't like that at all. Finn could not acknowledge that Kylo Ren was gone, and Ben had turned back to the light. To him, Ben was still Kylo Ren, perhaps he was also a new spy for the Resistance, but still, he was not someone Finn would trust.

After Poe had walked Ben through the plan, he had been given some time to clean up and change into more comfortable clothes on the Falcon. The ship had seeped with memories of his dad, and his childhood, and the bombardment had almost brought him to his knees, and seeing Chewie had only made things worse.

The only thing that had given Ben hope for a better relationship with the Wookiee was that he hadn't been attacked on sight. Of course, Chewbacca had stayed as far away from Ben as possible while dealing with how to face him, his best friend's prodigal son, the same son who had killed his father. Chewbacca, Ben knew, had needed to settle his thoughts and decide how to act around him.

He had sensed Chewie's conflict and hadn't approached him. Ben had ignored him and taken a shower, changing into the clean black clothes that Poe had offered him. Then they had left him in the far-off colony where the Analyzer was supposed to stop for supplies. Ben had managed to sneak on board, and although much of the crew had questioned his return, he had ultimately been accepted.

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