too many deathsticks

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Fisto:  are you okay there obi wan?  You don't look so good

Aayla:  you look like you've had a few too many deathsticks

Obi wan:  it wasn't me who had the deathsticks

Plo koon:  what happened?

Obi wan:  somebody offered anakin and I some brownies, but they seemed suspicious to me

Obi wan:  I told anakin, 'don't try it'

Ahsoka:  and then?

Obi wan:  and then he tried it

Plo Koon: you look really tired

Obi wan: I had to deal with anakin the entire time it took us to get back to the temple. I had to listen to all of his weird ideas

Ahsoka: that sounds like him. What did he say?

Obi wan: he was telling me about a planet he said he crash landed on once. He said it was called Canada

Aayla: Canada?

Obi wan: a place where moose roam free and maple syrup flows in giant waterfalls according to him

Fisto: well... that sounds interesting

Obi wan: there's more. Apparently, the planet has lots of ice and the locals play a game called hockey all day long

Obi wan: Anakin was obsessed. Saying he must go back and become one of the Canadians

Ahsoka: I think we can agree to never let anakin have any more deathstick brownies

Aayla:  where is he now?

Obi wan:  fortunately, I was able to convince anakin that he wanted to go home and rethink his life

Yoda:  how are the jedis doing today?

Fisto:  we are good master yoda.  And yourself?

Yoda:  I'm doing good

Plo koon:  um.  Master yoda.  You're speaking a bit differently than you normally do.  Did you eat something weird?

Yoda:  no.  Just some delicious brownies anakin offered me

Aayla:  uh oh

Obi wan:  is master yoda... high?

Fisto:  I guess so

Plo koon:  this is awkward

Anakin: my fellow Jedi, I have been enlightened

Anakin: I will be shedding the name of anakin as I now have a new name!

Ahsoka: is it bananakin?!!

Anakin: nope!

Anakin: it's Hayden!

Obi wan: this is not good

Obi wan:  you can't just change your name anakin, at least not when you're in this state

Anakin:  ugh you're so boring obi wan.  They should call you obi yawn Kenobi

Fisto:  um, what's on your arm, anakin?

Anakin:  oh that?  That's my new tattoo

Ahsoka:  omg he got a drunk tattoo

Aayla:  what is it of?

Fisto:  it looks like a sandcastle

Anakin:  yup!  Because you all know how much I love sand!

Ahsoka:  oh no.  He's really lost his mind

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