clones naming kids

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Ahsoka: What would you guys name your children?

Tup:  all I want is a daughter and I want to name her rapunzel!

Everyone:  awwwwwwww

Fives:  I want three kids

Echo:  woah there buddy

Fives:  and I'm gonna name them six, seven, and eight

Fives:  and we'll start our own band

Jesse:  ohh so when you and your kids do something bad, your SO will be like FIVES SIX SEVEN EIGHT

Fives:  rock on 😎

Tup: you should name your kid, Stars

Anakin: I think we can all agree that Tup is probably the best at picking names

Tup: because then if someone is calling both you and your kid, it'll be like FIVESTARS

Fives: ooh that's a good one

Fives: imagine I cooked dinner with my kid and someone said FIVESTARS. Then I'd be like, damn right it's five stars, we only serve quality food in this house

Anakin: Nevermind

Echo: the only reason someone would be yelling FIVESTARS is because you and your kid burned the food

Boil: you could always order my breadsticks

Waxer:  boiling bread is not cooking, boil

Kix:  what would name your kid, echo?

Echo: ᴇᴄʜᴏ

Echo:  hehe

Fives: echo echo echo

Fives: Echo, you're a genius

Echo: I know I am 😎

Ahsoka:  what about you, kix?

Kix:  I'd name my kid, Start

Anakin:  ummm what

Kix:  cause if you mash up our names it would be kickstart.  Like the song Kickstart My Heart

Fives:  eyyyy I like your thinking

Jesse:  ooh imagine kix and his kid were losing a patient and they needed to do the electrocution thing.  They'd be like, kixstart my heart please

Kix:  YES

Cody:  this is not funny... it happened to me before

Rex:  it did?

Cody:  yeah I got injured and your dumb medic was too busy eating nachos.  I was saying, kix... start my heart

Kix:  but I had a fresh package of guacamole!  Can you blame me?

Cody:  my life was on the line!

Kix:  bUt diD yOu DiE?!!

Anakin:  I can't believe you guys are all condemning your kids to a lifetime of puns

Ahsoka:  what?  Like you wouldn't?

Anakin:  I wouldn't, actually

Anakin:  I want to name my kids luke and leia 😊

Ahsoka:  aww master, that's cute

Tup:  umm, I'm the one who suggested it, but it's okay.  I never get credit anyways

Jesse:  well I'm naming my daughter Jessie

Wolffe:  wow, that's original *rolls eyes*

Rex:  I bet one day, wolffes gonna roll his eyes so far back, he's gonna see his brain

Wolffe:  I already have

Hardcase:  great.  Now I have another reason to be scared of him

Cody:  yo.  Rex, wolffe, your boys are fighting

*fives and comet wrestling*

Fives:  I said I'M naming my daughter, Stars

Comet:  no, I WILL

Fives:  I called dibs on the name!

Comet:  you're doing it for a PUN

Comet:  I actually LIKE stars *whacks fives in the head with a chair*

Fives:  okay, all I can see is stars now *passes out*

Comet:  I WIN

Wolffe: ...

Rex: ...

Cody: so, uh, Rex. What would you name your kid?

Rex: I don't really know. As long as there are no numbers in it, I'm good

Cody: how about Juan

Rex: sure, whatever

Echo: sir, you are being deceived

Rex: what do you mean

Echo: Juan. It sounds like one

Rex *gasps*: NO! I'm not naming my kid that. I hate you, Cody

Cody: lol


Cody: you know what I'm naming my kid?

Wolffe: what

Cody: obi JUAN

Rex: you're the dumbest person alive

Obi wan: oh Cody, I am honored

Cody: and then I'm naming the next kid obi two

Cody: I love my general <3

Everyone: awwwww

Hardcase: do you guys want to know what I'm naming my kid?

Tup: what

Hardcase: May

Everyone: awwwww

Anakin: I'm waiting for the twist

Hardcase: it's short for mayonnaise

Anakin: and there it is

Rex: you're naming your kid after a CONDIMENT

Hardcase: yep

Kix: honestly, I thought he was gonna name his kid peanut butter. This is better

Cody:  what about you, wolffe?

Wolffe:  I don't know, never thought about it

Boost:  he's probably gonna name his kid, dog

Wolffe:  what no!  That's horrible

Sinker:  lol.  What's up dawg

Echo:  poor kid.  His friends will be telling him that he smells like updog

Tup:  what's updog?

Echo:  nothin much.  What up with you?

Tup:  ohh shoot.  You got me

Tup:  rip wolffe jr

Wolffe:  I said I'm NOT naming my kid DOG

Wolffe:  what is wrong with you people

Anakin:  that's what I've been asking this whole time

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