The Decoration Fight ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 7)

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I Guess This Is Why Most People Don't Interact With Their Neighbors ( IV )

     " Aphmau! Wake up!" Katelyn said as she and Kawaii~Chan stood in their friend's room, waiting for the girl to get up so that they could all get to decorating.

     " Ugh. Just five more minutes."

     " Nope!" Katelyn said, being as impatient as ever, before throwing Aphmau out of bed.

     " Ugh! Katelyn! Why'd you do that!?"

     " Because!" Kawaii~Chan spoke excitedly." It's Christmas decorating day!"

     " You heard her! Now come on! Lex's waiting for us downstairs! She made special crepes just for the occasion!"

     " Wait, you're actually happy for this?" Aphmau asked the blue-haired girl questioningly." And you two are talking again? I thought you guys were upset because of the whole Katelyn kitting Kawaii~Chan in the face-door-thingy."

     " Kawaii~Chan was but Katelyn took care of the kitties for her so Kawaii~Chan forgave Katelyn!"

     " Plus we have our love of Christmas decorating in common!"

     " Umm..." Aphmau said uncomfortably." No thanks."

     " What!?"

     " Are you okay?"

     " You're usually for this kind of thing," Katelyn pointed out." Is something wrong?"

     Aphmau laughed lightly." I really shouldn't be decorating, especially outside. Umm... I-I'll just tell you guys, when I was little I was super serious about decorating during Christmas time, it got to the point where I was competing with all the kids in my class and, well, I went a little crazy."

     " Aphmau~Sempi that was years ago! Aphmau~Sempi is an adult now! It shouldn't be a problem."

     " Yeah! Plus that competitive side of you as a kid couldn't be that bad, right? Come on! Suck it up and let's start decorating the house!"

     " A-are you guys sure? You'll still be my friends even if I go crazy with decorations?"

     " Absolutely!"

     " Of Course!"

     " Heh, alright then. Let's do it."

     " We're going to need decorations!" Kawaii~Chan piped up.

     " Right... actually there are some in the basement! You of all people should know this Kawaii~Chan, seriously."

     " Haha! Oh right, Kawaii~Chan forgot."

     " Heh, okay."

     " Well, what're we waiting for? Alex will probably have breakfast done really soon and I want to make sure I get there as soon as possible, plus it'd just be easier to have all the decorations on the main floor so that we can grab them right after eating."

     " Yeah, we can do that."

     " Kawaii~Chan will race you there Katelyn~Sama!"

     " Uhh, oh, can I race?"

     " Are you serious Kawaii~Chan?" Katelyn asked." We're grown women, we don't play those games."

     " Aww..."

     " Psyche!" Katelyn yelled, sprinting out the door." Head start!"

     " Katelyn~Sama! That's not fair!" Kawaii~Chan yelled at her, attempting to get downstairs first... somehow.

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