Here In My Arms ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode 2)

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Reunions ( LXXVIII )

     " Zane? You okay?" Garroth asked as his brother stopped walking.

     " I wonder if they're okay..."

     " We just have to trust that she will be, Aph was strong enough to get through her year alone, she's strong enough to get through this as well."

     " I'm sure they're fine, they've been through a lot but this is just a bump in the road for them."

     " I agree with Lucinda! But... you have to admit, it might be a little awkward for both of them, especially Aphmau."

     " Exactly, she's carrying a lot of guilt with her... I'm just... hoping she's alright."

     " Hey, Zane," Lucinda put a hand on her friend's shoulder." I understand you're worried about Aphmau, but what she did wasn't her fault, and it's going to take a while for her to accept that... but it's something she has to work through with Aaron."

     " Yeah..."

     " Lucinda is right, besides, giving them time is all we can do for now. Watch, I bet when they get back they'll be all Lovey-dovey and stuff."

     " Yeah, you guys are right."

     " I'm glad-" Alex began before getting interrupted by Lucinda.

     " Besides! This is Starlight, let's keep those bad vibes in the past, shall we? We'll work through everything together. For now, let's go to the pool and enjoy ourselves."

     " I'm all about that!" The ghost suddenly exclaimed." As long as Zane's there."

     At these words, Zane shivered in fright before a grumbling sound came from Garroth's stomach.

     " I knew I shouldn't have eaten those oysters..."

     " You okay Garroth?" Kim asked in concern.

     " I really have to go to the bathroom."

     " I mean you don't have to announce it-"

     " Run ahead, we'll catch up, don't worry," Alex cut off the witch quickly.

     " Yeah, I'm going to do that, b-be right back guys."

     " Just make sure you use your bathroom!" Lucinda yelled at Garroth as he ran off.

     " Great, now I get to deal with that in our r- wait, he's going to-" Zane stopped talking suddenly, panic showing in the small part of his face that could actually be seen." Oh no! Uhh... I gotta go to the bathroom to!"

     " ... Geez? Was something in the food?"

     " I would not know, there was nothing in the food that could both be counted as a full meal, and that I could also eat."

     " Heads up!" As soon as the words left Alex's mouth an unfamiliar voice yelled from behind them.

     Lucinda turned around in confusion before yelling," Watch out!" And dodging to the side, along with Alex and Kim, just as a red-headed werewolf leaped in between them, reaching to grab a frisbee that had been flying at them just a moment before.

     " Woah, are you Ladies okay?"

     " What's your problem?" Ghost asked the werewolf rudely." You-!"

     " Kim!"

     " Calm yourself."

     " Shut up ghost," Kim told the spirit strictly.

     " So sorry about that, I didn't mean to throw that at three beautiful beach babes."

A/N: You have no idea how much willpower it took for me to actually write that out.

     " Hey guys!" he yelled down the path." Chill on throwing the frisbee at people, eh?"

     " It's okay, just watch where you're going next time."

     " Will do! See you babes around."

     " What a jerk," the ghost said almost immediately after the werewolf had left.

     " I'm sure it was an accident."

     " Seems like it... hmm... he kind of looked familiar though."

     " No, he's definitely familiar, do either of you remember Blaze from high school?"

     " You mean your werewolf friend? If that's him, how didn't he recognize you?"

     Alex took off her sunglasses." Possibly because I was covering my eyes, possibly because my way of dressing has pretty much completely changed since then, at any rate, we should probably be heading back to make sure Garroth and Zane are alright."

     " Right!"


     " Still... all the main courses have meat in them... great."

     Kim tapped her friend on the shoulder, causing Alex to turn and look at her.

     " Aaron and Aphmau are back."

     " Huh?" she glanced over at where the Lycans were, to see her two friends yet again, just a few hours after their moments on the beach.

     " See, told you they found each other!" Melissa told her parents." They were probably making out and-"

     " Melissa!"

     " Did I say that too loud?" She automatically backtracked, realizing the words that had come out of her mouth." Oh... haha... I'll just... jump in the water now!"

     " Aaron, Aphmau, I'm so happy to see you two have found each other, how are you?"

     " We're fine mom, we just wanted some alone time-"

     " Hah!" Melissa popped out of the water." Told ya!"

      " Ugh."

     " Why don't you two come and sit by the fire?" Lucinda offered." We can all just enjoy the night and talk."

     " Well?" Aphmau asked her boyfriend.

     " I'm all for it, as long as I'm here with you."

     Aph giggled lightly before the two joined their friends.

A/N ( again! but this time the Final A/N): And there's chapter two of Starlight! Again, sorry for the short chapter, there wasn't that much for me to write, but I did my best... on with the Never Have I Ever!

( From The Video): Never Have I Ever pretended to use the bathroom to avoid talking to somebody; Alex moved forward, if she doesn't want to talk to someone she usually just deals with it and sits there in silence, just listening to what they have to say and replying when she should reply.

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever let my phone battery go to lower than 70%; I just have a feeling Alex would keep an eye on her phone battery and as soon as it reached around 75% she'd start charging it.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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