Blast From The Past! ( Season 2 of Mystreet; Episode 3)

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A/N: Hey I'm going to be going pretty far off script for this one, I hope you guys forgive me, but this was one of the episodes I had a few things planned for but when going alongside the actual storyline Alex didn't really have much to do. But without further ado, I'm going to start writing. In addition, the picture for this chapter is the cover I'm thinking of going with for the book and for season 3 so I'd like to know what anyone thinks of it.

This Chapter Has Been Left Untouched ( XXIII )

     " Alright, that's ten to seven, Katelyn," Dante announced as Katelyn and Alex took a quick water break before heading back into the volleyball game.

     " Alright, Kate, you ready?" the younger of the two sisters asked as she set down her water bottle." Your ser-"

     She got cut off by Lucinda as the witch and Kawaii~Chan ran over." I claim Alex to be on my side!"

     " Wait, what?" Alex asked confused as Lucinda ran to stand over on her side of the net while Kawaii~Chan ran to Katelyn's side." What's going on?"

     " Someone-" Lucinda said, glaring across the net at Kawaii~Chan." Caused us to get kicked out of hula lessons today."

     " Those grass skirts were just asking to be scratched!" the Meifwa yelled back.

     " And when WE win this game then Kawaii~Chan has to apologize to me for what she did."

     " Yeah, well, when Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama win then Lucinda~Sama has to apologize to Kawaii~Chan!" Kawaii~Chan said simply.

     " What do I get out of this when we win?" Katelyn asked, greatly interested.

     " Katelyn~Sama can choose."

     Katelyn dawned a smirk." When we win Lucinda has to admit how much better than her I am."

     Lucinda gritted her teeth." Fine. But when Alex and I win you'll have to do the same."

     " Deal. Ready to get started?"

     Alex slowly raised her hand." What do I get if Lucinda and I win?"

     " It's when we win," Lucinda corrected." And you can get whatever you ask for."

     She thought for a moment." When we get back home... I get to choose what the next neighborhood performance we do is."

     Katelyn smiled at her younger sister." I can live with that."

     " But Alex~Sama has to do something else in exchange if we win!" Kawaii~Chan said quickly." You aren't allowed to wear anything over your swimsuit anymore!"

     Alex opened her mouth before getting cut off by Lucinda." Deal!"

     She sighed, looking at the other three girls before beginning the game. It went quickly; Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, and Katelyn all extremely competitive the entire time as Alex just attempted to avoid getting a concussion.

     " Alright," She said exhausted." That's game point for you guys." she headed to the sidelines to get a drink of water before Lucinda dragged her back into the court.

     " No time for breaks, they're to close to winning."

     " Lucinda, we can't win if half of our team- by that I mean me- is absolutely exhaust-"

     " We win!" Katelyn yelled from the other side of the court as both Lucinda and Alex turned to see the Volleyball on their side of the net.

     " No, that can't be fair," Lucinda said, turning to Dante, who'd been on his phone almost the entire game.

     " I didn't see it happen, but from what I heard you and Alex were still playing the game when Katelyn hit the ball over the net, and thus... you've lost."

     " Hah!" Katelyn called over to them." Aphmau! I challenge you to a game of Volleyball!"

     " It's on!"

     Alex stood off to the side of the volley court as Katelyn took on her next opponent and Lucinda walked back to their place in annoyance.

     " Alex~Sama!"

     " Oh dear..." she said, sitting down on the sand as she put in her earbuds, trying to drown out the Meifwa's voice.

     " Alex~Sama promised!" Kawaii~Chan grabbed her friend's upper arms and pulled her up." She agreed to if Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama won!"

     " Lucinda agreed to that... not me."

     " But you agreed to the game, if you'd won you would've gotten something in exchange."

     Alex sighed." Fine, just accept I won't be wearing my swimsuit around a lot in this case. I'll be in my normal clothes most of the time."

     " Okay!" The Meifwa smiled happily.

     She sighed again before pulling off what she was wearing over her bathing suit and then promptly heading towards the ocean for a swim so as not to feel uncomfortable.

     Garroth watched the girl go, his face turning bright red before getting hit in the head with a volleyball.

     He turned to look at Katelyn." You're sleeping on the couch too!" Aaron laughed to himself, at the fact that at least Katelyn sent someone else to sleep on the couch.

     Garroth looked at the girl like she was crazy." But I already am sleeping on the couch!"

A/N ( no this isn't the end of the chapter): Did I just write a full 716 words just to make that joke? Yes. Yes, I did.


Probably the largest time skip I'll ever do within an Episode:

     " MY NAME IS PRONOUNCED GARROTH!" Alex sat up at the noise as Aaron also woke up.

     " That's it! I'm sleeping on the roof!" Aphmau's boyfriend declared, heading up the stairs as Alex got up and ran to the kitchen to grab a cookie for Garroth.

     " Don't worry Sweetheart, it's all going to be okay." She returned and gave her friend a hug.

     " T-thanks honey... COMB! Honeycomb! I was just wondering if we had any honeycombs!" He ran into the kitchen as Alex quickly followed behind as the two of them checked the kitchen cabinets, Alex being confused but not bothering to ask why he wanted a honeycomb in the middle of the night.

A/N: Now THAT'S the end of the chapter, this had almost nothing to do with the actual episode but when I was creating this story these two were some of the first ideas I had so I needed to add them in. As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. Also, I spent most of the time I was writing this crying because I was listening to the Hamilton cast recording.

Double The A/N ( Written As Of January 10th, 2021): So fun story, when going through and editing all of these chapters I just left this chapter the same ( apart from this very Authors Note) simply because I know if I were to touch this chapter, I'd probably remove everything in it and start a new.

Tripple The A/N ( Written As Of May 25th, 2022): As is stated in the previous Authors Note, this chapter was left untouched from its original version. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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