Mistletoe Wars Part One ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 8)

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Well... I Suppose It Couldn't Get Weirder ( V )

     " Garroth I don't think anyone's going to call about Sprinkles," Laurence told his friend as he and Garroth sat in their living room, still waiting to receive news about their lost cat

     " S-s-someone has to, I-I put a post and everything. A purple cat isn't that hard to miss!" the blonde stuttered back in response as a sigh came from the kitchen.

     " I'm sorry to say this, but if someone were to just find a naturally purple cat they'd probably keep it just like you wanted to," Alex said as she worked on decorating a gingerbread house in an attempt to cheer Garroth up.

     Laurence nodded to her before turning back to Garroth." Or turn it into a science facility to study for money."

     " No! I have to believe Sprinkles is okay!"

     " Garroth just be ready for either no news or bad news. Sprinkles wasn't even your cat, she probably had an owner."

     " Yeah, I know, it's just... Sprinkles..."

     " The Gingerbread house is done." Alex told them, trying to lighten the mood as she put the finished Gingerbread house on the coffee table." Thanks for the recipe by the way Laurence, it really improved the turnout I think."

     " No problem," he turned around, noticing Dante sneaking around them." What're you up to Dante?"

     " Oh! Me!? Nooothing! Just going to... umm... head to my room and turn in for the night!"

     Alex checked her watch before looking up at the liar." It's only three o'clock in the afternoon Dante, it's nowhere close to being night."

     " Yeah, I'm just... uhh... not feeling well today! Caught a bad cold from the snow coming in my room from the broken window and everything." He fake coughed." So I'll be turning in for the night, night guys!"

     The three others shared a look.

     " We got his window fixed this morning, and he slept on the couch until it was fixed."

     " He had the mail in his hand!"

     " After him?" Alex asked, already getting up from the sofa.

     " After him."

     Garroth led the way to Dante's room with both Laurence and Alex at his heels before he bust down the door.

     " Dante!"

     " My door! Garroth I swear you're dead!"

     Laurence turned to his roommate after glancing at the letter which Alex had snatched," What's this?"

     " H-hey! That letter is for me!"

     Alex looked down at the letter before looking up again." It's for all three of you, from Aphmau, she's set on having a Christmas party at our place this year and- Oh shoot, she's going to be mad that I'm not over there helping right now."

     " You sneak! You were keeping this from us!"

     " No! I just wanted to read it first to find out what it was about, it could've been a love letter to me from her!"

     " Dream on!"

     Alex sighed and smacked her hand to her forehead, thinking about how these three idiots had to be her best friends.

     " Speaking of love... tonight might be the night I get that kiss from her."

     " WHAT!?" Garroth and Laurence all yelled at the same time.

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