Aphmau and Aaron's First Christmas ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode kind of 28)

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You Know... I Don't Like The Cold, But I Do Like Snow ( XLVII )

     " Who wants a cinnamon doughnut?" Alex asked her housemates, turning away from the stove for just one minute." I'm also making some hot chocolate if anyone wants some, it's the special recipe kind."

     " I'll have both."

     " Same."

     " Wait," Garroth said confused." I thought the special hot chocolate was saved for extra cold days."

     " Have you looked outside?"

     He ran to the window to see all the snow outside before running out the door.

     Alex shook her head with a smile before turning off the stove and running outside into the snow as well. They ran out followed by Zane, before meeting up with Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan who were both just as excited about the weather as Garroth and Alex before Katelyn and Aaron joined them out in the street.

     " Should we tell them?"

     " Nah, just let it sink in."

     " Wait a minute..." Aphmau said suddenly.

     " So cold! But so fluffy!"

     " It's cold!"

     " I don't think we thought this through too much before heading outside."

     " It's the holiday season, the spirit of the holidays will keep us warm!" Aphmau said determinedly.

     "... it's not working!"

     " Oh come on you guys, you just need to get your winter gear on."

     " Never!"

     "... they come with Holiday cookies."

     " Cookies!?"

     " Why didn't you say so?"

     All four ran inside leaving Aaron, Katelyn, and Zane in the snow.


     " The timer went off!" Alex stumbled downstairs just in time to pull the sugar cookies out of the oven." Alright, now those just need to cool for a few minutes... Laurence! Garroth! How's putting up the lights going?"

     " It's going fine! What're you so worried about anyway?" Laurence asked, appearing in the doorway.

     " Nothing, nothing, it's just that the Ro'meaves are coming over later today."

     " And?"

     " And... you know... the whole heir to the company thing?... and then there's how Zianna acts and stuff."

     " I don't get it."

     Garroth joined the others in the kitchen." From what Alex's told me she's just nervous about how my mom and dad will react when we tell them we're dating."

     " Yes, that. I'm just- scared... I mean both of them keep trying to set Garroth up with girls who are working with other huge companies, and then there's how Zianna is with her kids being in relationships, and there are just so many ways this could go wrong- and that's the doorbell! Zane get down here!"

     She ran to get the door, taking a deep breath as she reached for the doorknob before opening it.

     " Hi, Mrs. Ro'meave!" Alex greeted the woman with a smile before getting engulfed in a hug.

     " Hi, Alex!"She turned to her sons." Gar-Gar! Zu-Zu!"

     " Hi, mummy!"

     " Hello, Mom."

     Alex and her boyfriend exchanged nervous smiles while Zianna wasn't looking before Mr. Ro'meave patted the nervous girl on the shoulder.

     " How've you been Alexa?"

     She sighed internally but had given up on correcting him years ago." Good sir, how about you?"

     " Good, good- Oh! are those sugar cookies?"

     " Yes sir, for decorating later," she exchanged a look of fear with all her housemates before hurrying to get the icing and sprinkles for the cookies. It was going to be a long Christmas.

A/N: We're back to the holidays part of Mystreet! I say even though it's mid-July currently. I hope this was a good enough chapter even though it went a bit off-script for the episode, also I just put a Spotify broadway playlist on Shuffle while working and I'm now listening to It Takes Two from Into The Woods which is really good. As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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