It's Time... ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode 26)

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Actual Relaxation ( LXXXVII )

     " Wow!"

     " This is a party!"

     " Look!"

     " Oh you've gotta be kidding me," Zane commented as a good portion of his friends turned their attention to the face-painting booth.

     " They actually have it."

     " Oh my gosh! Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh! They actually have it!"

     " I didn't think it was possible...!"

     " I need it! I need it! I need it!"

     " Come on guys! Let's go!"

     " Wait up!"

     Garroth, Alex, Kawaii~Chan, and Travis all quickly took off towards the face-painting booths, before Travis, having overheard something else, split off from them to turn around and rejoin Katelyn and Zane.

     Alex quickly scanned the face painting options as soon as they got to the stand, with the other two looking over her shoulder to see what they would pick, before Garroth was the first to speak.

     " Wow! They have it! A swan pattern!"

     " Wow!"

     " Yay! A deer! Perfect!" Alex smiled brightly before they headed over toward the person who was doing face painting.

     " Ready to get your face painted?" a familiar voice spoke once they got there.

     " Wait... why are you the one painting?" Garroth asked Guy, who stood in front of them with a paintbrush in his hand.

     " We gotta do something while we wait, this makes money," Nate replied for his boyfriend.

     " Yep! Now, what can I get for you guys?"

     " Heads up, Guy is terrible at this, he just thinks he's good at it."

     " That's not true! I'm great at painting on animals, just watch."

     " Whatever you say, hun."

     " I don't know if I should be excited or scared," Garroth commented." You've done this before right?"

     " Nope! Now, pick an animal!"

     " Weee!"

     " I'm not sure if that counts as an animal."


     " There! Wrote my name on my card!"

     " I still hate the fact that our handwriting looks the same."

     " Well, maybe you should change yours because I was born first!" Garroth pointed out with a huff.

     " I honestly don't care."

     Garroth gasped suddenly, not in reaction to what Zane had said, but to something he'd spotted in the distance." They have ring toss!"

     " I'm interested!" Alex leaped up in excitement, rushing over to the game booth as well.

     A little while passed where their group had split up, Zane and Kawaii~Chan, to the best of Alex's knowledge, were talking back at the table, Travis was standing by the punch bowels, and Katelyn was talking to Kai about who knows what, while Alex and Garroth were checking out the games, before the shorter of the two got grabbed by the arm and pulled to one side by her older sister.

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