You Are My Son ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode 11)

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I Hope Everyone Gets Along ( LXXXI )

     " Eee!"

     " Well, looks like someone is excited."

     " You have no idea, she's been dreaming about this moment since she was a kid."

     Aphmau squealed with happiness again." We're going to Starlight Adventure land! There's so many rides and things I want to do!"

     " I'm looking forward to the haunted house."

     " Of course, you would be."

     " H-haunted house?"

     Melissa gasped suddenly." I can see it now..." The female werewolf began to giggle to herself.

     " I'm so excited!"

     " Me too! We definitely have to do the haunted house!"

     " I am personally against that idea... but have a feeling you guys are going to drag me into it anyway."

     " Yes we are Alex," Lucinda calmly confirmed." Yes, we are."

     " Come on, let's go move our bags to the docks."

     " Docks?"

     Melissa nodded." Mhm, in order to get to all the islands here on Starlight, you have to travel by boat... at least from this island, some islands are different I hear so I'm excited to see what this boat looks like! C'mon, let's get going!"

     With that, the overly energized werewolf ran out of the room as the others just exchanged glances before grabbing their bags.


     " Here's the boat!"

     Aphmau squealed in excitement for at least the tenth time that morning.

     An oddly familiar voice came from the boat." For some reason, that squeal sounds familiar!"

     " Huh? That voice..."

     " I knew it!" The guide from Love~Love Paradise walked from the boat the group was going to be taking, down onto the dock." I never forget a voice."

     " G-Guy!?"

     " The one and only!"

     " No way! Guy!" Aphmau ran to give him a hug." Oh my gosh! I can't believe it's you!... Wait, I thought you worked at Love~Love Paradise?"

     " Oh I do- err... I did! I did use to work there."

     " Get fired or something?" Zane asked rudely before his brother punched him in the arm." Ow!"

     Guy chuckled." Me? Never! I am just here to spy... I mean try a new summer job! That's right." He laughed again." Love~Love paradise is going through a re-vamp and I pride myself on making summers fun! So, while things are changing back on Love~Love, I had to work somewhere for the summer! But after this, I'm going back to my old job on Love~Love."

     " Awesome! It's great to see you then."

Alex began to stop listening to Aph's conversation as she hadn't really connected with anyone at Love~Love Paradise besides reconnecting with Teony, who had been a huge role model to Alex during High School.

     " Do you think your cat will be okay on the sea?" she asked Zane, trying to act as casually as possible." What with three dogs, plus quite a few werewolves, onboard she's going to have to stay in the cabin at all times."

     " Yeah, I was thinking about that as well-"

     " Woah! You brought a cat on board!?" Blaze interrupted their conversation.

     Alex, Zane, and Garroth, all exchanged nervous looks.

     "... Yes. Yes we did, you know, we've already got Celestia and Gavroche on board, so why not a cat?"

     " You have a fair point, so I guess a lot has happened since high school? Aarons told us quite a few stories."

     " Yeah, the winter before last was pretty wild... but at least everyone's all recovered..."

     Before Blaze could ask any more questions, much to Alex's relief, Guy spoke to the group again." Alright then you guys, enough chit-chat! Welcome aboard my boat, I'll be your guide to Starlight Adventure land! All aboard!"

     There was a deep panting sound coming from a different part of the dock, before Sylvanna and Erik came running over.

     " Sorry, we're late."

     " Just in time!"

     Aaron turned to his sister." Are mom and dad joining us?"

     " Dad texted earlier and said that he had some business to take care of, so they're planning on taking the next faerie... don't worry! At most, they'll be thirty minutes behind."

     " Oh, alright... well, let's go then!"


     " I have to say, this is the most relaxing vacation I've ever gotten."

     " What about Love~Love Paradise?"

     " That was nice, but I wasn't as close with everyone else back then, and I was still working on my Doctorate degree." Alex smiled lightly, looking over the railing at the ocean surrounding them before her expression darkened with worry." I'm just worried that the peace here won't last."

A/N: I'm so, so, sorry for the short chapter again, I was trying to add as much as possible, also sorry it didn't come out around four hours ago, when I usually post chapters, I was on the road at the time and had started writing even before I'd left. While writing this I tried to work with the idea that Blaze and Alex used to be really close in school due to both having two different colored eyes, and that Blaze kind of acted as an older brother figure to her by helping her become more confident with how her eyes looked, but that after all this time she was a bit uncomfortable talking to him because they hadn't really interacted since way back in high school... Alright, time for the Never Have I Ever!

( From The Video): Never Have I Ever gotten so sunburnt all over; Alex got to move forward! Whenever she's in the sun I always picture that she basically coats herself in sunscreen, practically doubling how pale she is.

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever burnt something I was cooking; I have a feeling Alex is extremely careful about this, and whenever anything's on the stove or in the oven she's just constantly hovering over it, making sure it's not going to burn.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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