The Emerald Secret ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 1)

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Welp... Mountains Time. ( LVII )

     " Are we there yet?"

     " No."

     " ... how 'bout now?"

     " No!"

     " How 'bout-"

     " Garroth you have been asking for an hour! Stop!" Lucinda exclaimed finally, letting there be silence for just a few seconds before Kim spoke.

     " Are we there yet?"

     " Kim! Don't encourage him! Aaron, can you believe them?"

     " Huh? Sorry, I put my earbuds on like an hour ago... when you first asked."

     Lucinda then turned to the last remaining seat in the car." Alex-" She soon stopped, not having realized yet that Alex had fallen asleep on Garroths shoulder, the faint music to Something Rotten coming from her headphones.

     " ...are we there yet?"

     Lucinda yelled in frustration before speaking angrily." Kim, switch seats with me."


     " We're here guys."

     Alex felt herself being gently nudged awake as the car pulled to a complete stop in front of the building they were supposed to be staying in before the group all got out and pulled their luggage out of the trunk.

     " Well, here we are!"

     " This place is a-" Aaron began before Lucinda spoke everyone's opinion.

     " Total dump."

     " Huh? I don't understand, our parents said this place was fantastic."

     " Judging by the looks of things this place was fantastic but... that was years ago. See why I thought this entire place was fishy?"

     " It did sound too good to be true Garroth," Kim remembered from their previous conversations.

     " Yeah but... I don't know, it sounded awesome getting paid to vacation."

     " Garroth we are not vacationing! Our parents said to fix things up!"

     " Well, nothing a few potions can't take care of and-" Lucinda started before abruptly stopping mid-sentence and frantically looking around." Wait, wait... Where is my potion bag!?"

     Everyone began looking around the car and the surrounding area, trying to help out Lucinda as she began to panic at the lack of magic she currently had.

     " I didn't see any other bags in the car, maybe you forgot to bring it?" Kim suggested.

     " There's no way I forgot to bring it, I probably put it on the ground and forgot to pick it up somewhere! Yeah!"

     " It's okay Lucinda," Garroth said calmly." We can get you a new bag."

     " That's not the point! My wand and potions are in there."

     " Is it hard to make potions? Where would you even go to get the ingredients? I didn't see any stores on the way here."

     Lucinda sighed as Alex gave her friend a hug to try and comfort her." I'm sure I can find what I need to make some potions, but it won't be easy."

     " Regardless, Lucinda, I heard about your cleaning potions from Dante and I'd rather we don't use those here," Aaron said quickly." I want to fix the place up ourselves and not have everything disappear and then reappear in the neighbor's backyard."

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