Beach Puppy ( Season 2 of Mystreet; Episode 2)

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I Had No Idea Dogs Can Walk On Water ( XXII )

A/N: Above are Alex's pajamas

     " Ow!"

     " I'm up!" Alex said quickly, sitting up upon hearing the noise. The night prior she'd ended up sleeping on the living room sofa along with Aaron and Garroth, and had curled onto the actual sofa part of the fold-out bed so as not to bother anyone.

     She sighed, standing up to face her sister." You really need to stop waking people up by punching them."

     " What? It woke both of you up."

     " Yeah, I don't usually like getting woken up by a loud ' ow'!... At any rate, I claim using the bathroom first so I can get changed and take a shower before breakfast," Alex said, running off before anyone could stop her.

     By the time she returned Aphmau and Aaron were already starting work on breakfast as Katelyn, who was next in line to use the downstairs bathroom, rushed past Alex. The girl rolled her eyes at her older sister before sitting back down on the sofa and pulling out one of the Love~Love Paradise brochures to look through it while listening to Once On This Island.


     " Soo... what does everyone want to do while we're here?" Katelyn asked once everyone had finished eating breakfast and they were all sitting around the table." There's so many activities."

     " Well, Kawaii~Chan and I wanted to take hula lessons," Lucinda began." But we need at least a resort's island pass in order to do that."

     " Oh if only we had all-access passes to do everything we wanted! Dante what if we had those amazing passes!" Aaron asked, looking directly across the table at Dante.

     " Oh! All-access!" Dante said, standing up in his seat and pulling out some All-access passes.

     " I'm impressed. How did you get those?"

     Dante and Aaron stared each other down before saying in unison." All-access passes guys!"

     Lucinda laughed." Perfect! There's nothing we can't do."

     " Hula dancing?" Garroth suggested.

     " I was thinking we should start off at the beach."

     " Oh, that sounds perfect! I need to work on my tan."

     Zane groaned." Sun."

     " Oh! I love seashells!" Aphmau exclaimed.

     " I'm down to head to the beach."

     " While you guys are doing that I think I'm going to attend these hula lessons, I think I'd look good in those grass skirts, wanna join Kawaii~Chan?"

     " Sure!"

     " We'll meet up with you guys later."

     " I was thinking I'd go on a bike ride around the resort," Alex said, pulling out one of the Brochures and placing it on the table in front of her.

     " You mean the thing you do all the time at home already?" Dante asked." Out of all the new things you could try at this resort, you go with the one thing you can do whenever?"

     Alex smiled sheepishly." Force of habit, but I don't really like going to the beach anyways, way too much sand and way too many people, but this place apparently has great bike paths and it'd be a good way to take Cossette out on a walk," she gestured over to her dog, who looked up at her name being mentioned.

     " Sounds good, let's get going!"


     " Tell them how I am defying gravity! I'm flying high defying gravity! And soon I'll match them in renown! And nobody in all of Oz, no Wizard that there is or was, is ever gonna bring me-"

     " Dog in the road! Dog in the road!" Alex yelled in panic as she skitted to a stop in order to avoid hitting a small dog that had just run in front of her." That was close- wait a second..." she bent down in front of the dog, pulling out her headphones as she checked the dog tag." Celestia? Uh... what the heck?"

     The dog barked in response, which really wasn't that helpful.

     " Alright, let's get you to Aphmau, she's going to freak out when... come to think of it how on earth did you even get here... oh why do I keep talking to dogs when I can't understand what they say when they respond?"

     She hopped back onto her bike, putting Celeste in the front basket next to Cossette before pedaling back to the beach as fast as she could without crashing into the bushes.

     As soon as they arrived at the edge of the boardwalk Celeste leaped out of the basked and went running around the edge of the ocean, every once and a while running in, as Alex attempted to keep up with the dog, her own dog trailing behind them.

     " Celestia!" Alex turned to see Aphmau running toward her dog, who had just run back out of the ocean again." Oh Celestia it is you! I missed you so much my baby!"

     Celeste ran right past Aphmau over to Aaron, who had just come out of the water.

     " Oh, where've you been? I'm sorry we forgot you, did the mean lady leave you behind? It's okay, it's okay."

     " You're supposed to be my dog!" Aphmau yelled just as Alex came to a stop before collapsing, face down, into the sand out of exhaustion.

A/N: Season 2 Episode 2 is now done! I started writing yesterday but then kept getting distracted by other things so I'm finishing writing it today! As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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