Don't Tell Mom! ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 29)

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Overreaction Time ( XV )

     " Alright, now just keep telling yourself this,' No matter where she is, Sprinkle's has it better then she would've here'," Alex told Garroth, trying to coach him through letting go of the purple cat.

     " No matter where she is, Sprinkle's has it better then she would've here..." Garroth said, trying his best not to cry." No matter where she is, Sprinkle's has it better then she would've-"

     There was a sudden frantic knocking at the door as both Alex and Garroth got up to see who it was.

     " Garroth!"

     " Hey Vylad!" he greeted his youngest brother." Are you okay? You look a little pale and out of breath."

     " You could come in and sit down," Alex offered." We're just going through some therapy exercises but we can take a pause for a moment-"

     " My phone just died and I-"

     " Oh! You need a charger, not to worry baby brother, I have an extra."

     " No! It's not that!"

     " Calm down Vylad! Geez. You're getting all worked up over a charger? I-" Garroth said before his phone rang." Ooh! It's mummy!"

     " Garroth no!" Vylad yelled before his brother answered the phone.

     " Mummy! It's so great to hear from you! I-... Vylad? He hung up on you? Oh, no. I don't think it was that, his phone just died and he's here getting a charger... mhm... mhm... Oh, right, that makes sense, he wanted to surprise you himself, I really shouldn't have sent you that picture... Zane? What about him?... A-Aphmau!?... Mummy, where did you hear this from?"

     " What happened to Aphmau!?" Alex asked worriedly before Vylad gave her an ' I'll explain in a minute' look.

     " Vylad!?" Garroth yelled."... I think you have your facts wrong Mummy... Zane and Aphmau are just very good friends, they aren't dating... oh, yes, because everyone who takes a selfie together is obviously dating... No, I'm not jealous! I just know they aren't dating... Mummy!... Mummy! Don't cry! Please you're going to make me-..."

     " Garroth be strong!" Vylad whisper yelled as Alex put a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder.

     " Mummy, Zane and Aphmau are dating, they love each other very much. Zane isn't a loser like Vylad thought he would be."

     " Garroth!"

     " Y-you're coming to visit!? W-wait! Aphmau and Zane are-... okay, alright. I understand... I love you to mummy, see you soon." He hung up.

     " Uhh, I think we need to get to Zane's house right now," Alex said, having gotten enough information from just hearing one side of the conversation, as she spoke, she ran inside, grabbing her bag before running out the front door, past Garroth and Vylad and over to Zane's place.


     Once they got to the middle Ro'Meave's house Garroth knocked frantically on the door before the three waited for him to come over and open it.

     " This better not be about a hug of some kind," Zane said upon seeing his two brothers once he opened the door.

     " Zane, we really need to talk to you."

     He sighed." Fine. Come on in." His phone rang causing the other three to look at each other in fear."... huh? Oh, it's mom?"

     Garroth grabbed the phone from his brother's hand and threw it into the road.

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