Aaron's New Problem ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 5)

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This Is A Bit Dangerous ( LX )

     A dark figure with both ears and a tail entered the lodge, all of its original occupants separated by the vast hallways. Alex had given up almost entirely on finding the others before whoever or whatever it was found either her or them, and had opted to hide behind a pile of boxes before she heard a familiar yell come from somewhere else in the lodge.

     Everyone except Zane stood in a room covered in scratch marks, but there was no sign of Zane himself anywhere in the room.

     " Zane!? Zane!?" Aphmau panicked." Where could he be!? Zu-Zu!?"

     " I don't understand! Where could he have gone!?"

     " Zane, please! I brought cupcakes!... Zane!?"

     " Babe, please," Aaron attempted to calm down his girlfriend." He's probably scared and hiding somewhere."

     " I dunno guys," Lucinda interrupted." There's signs of struggle here..."

     " Lucinda!" Aaron hissed in warning.

     " Struggle!?"

     " Oh... uhh... I mean-"

     " I think everyone needs to know," Alex said, looking up from the scratch marks she was examining on the other side of the room.

     Aaron sighed." Yeah, she's right, I didn't want to say anything about it but I could sense it before we got here, there was definitely a struggle."

     " What!? Someone got past me!? But how!?"

     " Someone who's very light on their feet, it looks like Zane ran in here but was stopped before he could go any further into the room."

     " How can you tell?"

     " Uhh... Aphmau, Garroth, I'm sure Zane is fine, there isn't anything to indicate he's hurt."

     " That's good to know but... how're we going to find him!?"

     Lucinda chuckled." Leave this to me."

     " Huh?"

     " This witch just got her wand back, which means I'm all for working my magic and casting some spells!"

     " Spells?" Garroth asked, confused." You mean potions, right?"

     " No, I mean spells."

     He laughed." When was the last time you casted a spell?"

     " I'll have you know I cast them all the time! How do you think I make the potions I make!?"

     " A cauldron?"

     " Don't you sass me Mr! Now stand back, I'm going to cast a revealing spell."

     " What does that do?"

     " Well if the footprints are warm still we'll be able to see them and where they lead to, which means-"

     " We'll be able to find Zane! Lucinda! Do it!"

     " On it." She pulled out her wand and muttered a quick spell, revealing a set of green footprints on the floor.

     " Follow them!"

     The footprints lead into the room next to the one they were in currently, before continuing into a wall, to the confusion of all those tracking them.

     " What the- the footprints stop here!?"

     " What does this mean? I- I don't know."

     " Well..." Alex began, taking a step forward." The footprints stopped here, right? that leaves us with two options, either they stopped walking with their feet, meaning they walked on their hands the rest of the way- which wouldn't make sense seeing as whoever it was walked normally this far- or..." She stepped right up to the wall." Bingo, cold air."

     " Is it Zane!?"

     " It's the wind, but that does mean that this wall has something on the other side, which these footprints lead right to."

     " How'd you figure out that?"

     " I-... I actually don't know."

     " There must be a way to open it if whoever it was got through, come on, let's look for a switch or something."

     There was silence for a minute until Aphmau spoke.

     " I'm not seeing anything!"

     " No luck over here either!"

     " This is terrible! What have I done!? I think I got Zane killed..." Garroth said sadly." No wonder he doesn't like me!"

     Alex calmly rested a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder as he sat down, crying, on a bench in the room before they heard a door slide open and everyone turned to the new space added onto the room.

     " Garroth you did it!"

     " I did!? Oh! I did!"

     " Perfect, the footprints lead right down this path."

     " Then what're we waiting for? Let's go!" Aphmau ran into the tunnel.

     " Right behind you."

     " Wait for me!"

     " Great job Garroth, I knew you could do it!"

     " Thanks, Kim, now come on you two, we need to find Zane." As Garroth and Kim entered the tunnel behind the others Alex went to follow them before stalling for a second to check she had everything, she grabbed the kitchen knife that she set on one of the tables, took her phone out of her pocket, and turned on the flashlight, before moving her other hand away from her chest to check on the emerald...

     ...That wasn't there. A bit dismayed she sighed, a bit disappointed in herself that she had lost the emerald she was going to show to Lucinda, before following the others into the tunnel, not noticing the hint of green in her blue eye as she passed by her reflection in the window.

A/N: Hello again and welcome to more of Alex is getting her own side story in this season... yay. At this point I'm slightly wondering if anyone has a guess and what's happening or going to happen to her. Seeing as I still have no " No! Don't do the Never Have I Ever thing!" or " Here's an idea for the Never Have I Ever thing!" I'm just going to continue using my own;

( From The Video): Never Have I Ever Broken A Bone; Alex stayed back... she's broken two fingers, one of her legs, both of her arms ( on separate occasions) and eight out of ten of her toes... she has very bad luck with that sort of stuff.

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever Eaten a Hamburger; She is vegetarian and even before she became a full-on vegetarian she just avoided eating them.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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