The Big Catastrophe ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode... 0.1?)

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When You're Home! ( XXX )

     " We're home!" Aphmau exclaimed happily.

     " About time," Lucinda stated."... now if you guys would excuse me I've got to go check on my shop."

     " Oh, that's right!" The Meif'wa exclaimed." Kawaii~Chan has to get to her shift at the maid cafe!"

     " Aphmau could you be a dear and hold onto our things?" The witch asked sweetly.

     " What? You guys just got off vacation and you're already going back to work?"

     " Hey, work is work. See you later."

     " Finally, at least here I don't have to worry about the sun too much," Travis said.

     " That's something I'd expect Zane to say- where is Zane? Did he go to work already too?"

     The group looked around for him before noticing some movement behind a pile of nearby crates as Zane attempted to hide from the others.

     " Zane? Why are you hiding behind those crates?"

     " What're those crates doing there anyway?"

     Garroth shrugged." A delivery probably."

     " Zane, I know you want to get home, but at least come give me a hug? Knowing you you're going to seal yourself away in your house for a while after this whole summer fiasco."

     " No I'm not!" he retorted, still attempting to hide.

     " Zane."

     " No! I'm not!"

     " Okay, I believe you... you've got work to do after all."

     " Yeah."

     " Why is he hiding?" Travis asked, turning away from Zane.

     " Hasn't he been hiding this whole summer?"

     " Ehh... sort of?"

     Aphmau grumbled." Come on! Give me a hug 'bye' at least."

     " Fine," he grumbled, emerging from his hiding spot looking quite a bit tanner than when any of the group had last seen him.

     " Huh? Zane!?"

     " What happened?"

     " You've got to be kidding me," Garroth said before he and Dante burst into laughter.

     " Shut up!... it happened on the way back home."

     Alex held back a laugh." How did this happen? We saw you for the majority of our trip home."

     " I fell asleep on the deck for a few hours and I tan easily!"

     Aphmau sighed." Alright guys, leave him alone. It's alright Zane, it'll go away... plus I think it looks good on you!"

     " It does?"

     " Yeah! But let's ignore it for now. It's not a big deal- are you going home?"

     " I know I am," Garroth replied.

     " She wasn't asking you!"

     " Oh, I need to get home soon if I'm going to finish moving in only one day," Alex mentioned." We've got to hurry home."

     " Oh no-"

     " Speaking of, I can't wait to see what the renovations look like Travis."

     He turned pale." Oh, shoot! That's right!"

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