Make Me Like You... ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode 17)

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Magical Help ( LXXXV )

     " I'm glad you're finally interested in learning magic Alex, but I have to say I'm a bit surprised at your sudden change of mindset."

     " I had a talk with Garroth earlier and the conversation of magic came up... it took a little convincing but I think I'm now open to learning more about the emerald within me, so what can you teach me?"

     " Not a lot."

     " What do you mean, 'not a lot'?"

     " Well binding magic hasn't been used in centuries considering its danger to whoever the object is bound to, not to alarm you, Alex."

     " Sure... so what do you know about binding magic?"

     " Just the bare minimum, in the olden days of magic people, used to choose what they wanted to be bonded to, and binding ceremonies used to be quite common as well, but once people started misusing the binding power, certain objects simply refused to be bonded to, and once this started happening those remaining without the binding, and even certain ones who were bound to, made it illegal for any others to bind with objects."

     " Illegal?" Alex asked the witch nervously." Does that mean I'm breaking a law of some sort?"

     " No, no, no, you're good Alex, what I mean is it's illegal for you to choose to bind with an object, not what happened to you, which is an object choose to bind with you. My great-great-grandfather was the last known to be bound to, but as you've learned first hand it's not limited to witches and wizards."

     " So... is there any magic you can teach me?"

     " All I know is that the magic you earn is in some way connected to the object you've bound to, I could list the powers of multiple objects throughout history, and this type of magic dates all the way back to Irene's time according to magic historians, and yes those exist, but I don't know about Emeralds, although so far they appear to change things, so change might be their main power."

     " Change? That's very... vague..."

     " These powers often are, but from how... Ein... used them, he changed the minds of people, you seemed to use them, changing the forms of the emeralds, I suppose there are other options but that's the first one I could think of."

     " Oh... great... do you have any learning tips?"

     " I'm afraid not, although reaching towards the emeralds seemed to allow you to control them... each magic has an emotion connected to it... however I don't know that much about binding magic... is there any specific emotion you can remember feeling at the times you could control these powers?"

     " I felt... desperation? The need to do something? Like when I escaped from that cage in the cavern, I felt so desperate to break out and warn the others... or when I faced Ein on that final day of the attack..."

     " Desperation?... I see... that makes sense with the inspiration of witches and wizards to bind with the more powerful objects and become more powerful as a consequence... it all fits together."

     " Alright... I'll try my best then... Lucinda, if you don't mind me asking, what bound to your great grandfather?"

     She smiled lightly." There was this old rock in the woods, when I was younger it was behind their house, covered in ancient ruins, I actually got to witness the actual rock disappear, that rock was connected with building, he was an incredible help to the people of his village once he learned to control his powers."

     " Lucinda! Alex!" Kim ran over to the two, a huge smile on her face." I have some great news!"

     " What is it, Kim?" The witch asked calmly.

     " I think I've finally gotten through to ghost!"


     " Ahh, so relaxing."

     " I know! And ever since I'd spoken to ghost, she hasn't given me gripe all day! This is awesome!"

     Lucinda laughed lightly." Don't jinx it, nowhere, have some more tea..." she glanced back inside of the ship to notice another one of her friends." Hey! Garroth! Come join us!"

     Alex smiled happily after taking another sip of the tea Lucinda had brewed for her." Hi sweetheart! You look extremely happy about something."

     " Did something happen?"

      " Oh, something happened alright!" He laughed to himself.

     " Well?"

     " Come on, spill the beans."

     " Zane and Kawaii~Chan are going on their first date tonight!"

     " I'm not surprised based on what I talked to Kawaii~Chan about earlier."

     " To be honest? I kind of saw this coming, I'll tell you, the only other person I thought Zane might've dated was Aphmau back before she got with Aaron."

     " Really!? But they're best friends!"

      " Yeah, but they were very close... anyway, after finding out Kawaii~Chan was here because of him, it was kind of evidence he had some kind of feelings for her... I just didn't know it was that serious."

     " Yeah!"

     " Well, they're going to Starlight tonight, I'm hoping they kiss or something!"

     Lucinda laughed again." It's just a date, Zane would have to get really lucky to get a kiss from Kawaii~Chan... I don't know if I should be happy or sad for Kawaii~Chan... I don't know Zane that well aside from the crappy things he did in high school so..."

     " He's. Going. On a what!?"

     Lucinda and Alex both exchanged glances at the familiar voice before turning back to their possessed friend.

     " Oh no."

     " No! I won't let that hussy take him from me!"

     " Darn it," Lucinda commented as her possessed friend took off." She was doing so well."

     " Oh no... I forgot."

     " This can only go badly."

A/N: Woo! World Building! Normally I don't like writing stories where the main character has some special power that no one else has, for whatever reason especially in fanfiction because it feels like it doesn't fit in with the pre-existing world ( I don't mean to insult anyone, everyone has their own likes and dislikes in the world of fanfiction, this is just my personal opinion on the subject) but I feel like these powers fit in with the world as a bunch of other characters also have special powers such as Aaron being the Ultima or Lucinda being a powerful witch. In other news! this book is ( According to Quotev)... Never Have I Ever time?

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever forgotten my lines while on stage; I think it's just a running joke now how much Alex prepares for things and freaks out when she isn't prepared.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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