We Met... ( Season 4.5 of Mystreet; Episode 2)

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Healing ( LXXIV )

     " Lucinda we've talked about this way too many times, my answer's still the same as it's always been, No."

     " But I already said I was going to teach Aphmau, and I thought maybe you could learn a thing or two as well today."

     " No, no. Emeralds have already caused enough hurt around here, and I may not be able to remove it from me, but at least I can stop them from doing any more harm by not using these powers, no goods ever come of them, they never kept Aph safe, or Aaron alive, they've done nothing but stop me from dying, which I don't need anymore, and cause us pain, I'm staying away from them."

     " Alex, I understand that they haven't been put to good use, but if you trust yourself I believe that you can control the emeralds, and maybe the magical Aura in other objects, as well as the mathematics, you can do better with them then he did," The witch explained, knowing the other girl knew what she meant by 'he.'

     " I'm not so sure about that... I couldn't do it in the past, what makes you think I can do it now? Lucinda, they'll do more harm than good, they can be used for better purposes, but I'm not sure if I'm the one to do that."

     " I understand but-"

     " Lucinda, I know you believe I can do more otherworldly things, but I don't feel comfortable with that idea after what happened at the lodge, maybe someday, but I doubt that, we don't know enough about this, you've said it yourself, and before we do I don't want to test the boundaries."

     " I-... alright, if that's what you really want, I respect your decision then."

     " Thank you... may I please have another cup of tea?"

     " Of course, as I said before, Aphmau's going to be coming over to learn some healing magic, would you like to watch?"

     " As much as I'd like to, I have other things to do today, but I'm glad we got to talk Lucinda, I'll see you-" Alex began, standing up as she spoke, before getting cut off by the doorbell." I'd assume that'd be Aph?"

     " Most likely, here, I'll walk you to the door."

     " Thanks!"

     Lucinda opened her front doors to see their short friend standing out there, as expected." Ah, Aphmau, please come on in. Alex, I'll see you next Tuesday, same time as always."

     " Bye! Bye Aph, I hope you have an enjoyable time at your healing lesson."

     " Thank you, Alex."

     The tall girl turned and smiled at the two after walking out the door, before heading home herself, glad she finally got it across to Lucinda that she wasn't open to learning all the possibilities she had with having an emerald infused to her soul, but also having a sinking feeling in her stomach that there would come a day when she wouldn't have a choice in the matter anymore.

A/N: I really need to apologize for how short this chapter was, I was trying to make it as long as possible but for a while, I wasn't even sure if I was going to write something for this episode, before realizing that it'd probably be the best place to add in this chat with Lucinda, which I'd planned for a while but didn't quite know where to put. Before I do the normal 'Never Have I Ever' I want to try something, yesterday I was thinking back to the ' Mystreet Roast Party' and upon remembering that, came to the conclusion that, were Alex to take part in it, she'd either be A: Scarily good at picking at everyone's deepest insecurities, or B: Turn the entire thing into a Therapy session, and from that idea, I thought 'what if the people who read my story tried their hand at roasting Alex?' So here we are, I want the people who read these A/N's ( if you want to of course) to try your hand at roasting Alex in the comments... On with The Never Have I Ever!

( From The Video): Never Have I Ever stared at myself in the mirror for more than five minutes; I don't know whether or not I've made this point obvious or not but Alex doesn't have the best self-confidence, and isn't very comfortable with looking at herself, especially with two eyes of different colors, and has gotten even less comfortable at the idea at the fact she now has a third color mixed in there ( Emerald Green). Alex Moved Forward.

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever gone to the mall just to browse the shops; ( fun fact I almost wrote brouse the ships... which would also allow her to move forward) but yeah, whenever she goes shopping she's either forced to go with friends or goes, knowing what she's planning to buy.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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