Alone For Awhile ( Season 4.5 of Mystreet; Episode 1)

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Waiting... ( LXXIII )

     " Garroth! There's one hour left, did you call everyone!?"

     " Yep, I called everyone."

     " What about her groceries, did you finish her list!?"

     " Absolutely, I couldn't forget that one since you, Kim, Lucinda, Alex, and I made it together.

     " Good, good, Alex-"

     " Don't worry, I've cooked all her meals this week in advance, I did stay away from sweets though as I suspect Kawaii~Chan will make a ton to welcome her home... I also thought a warm homecooked meal today especially would help her out," a now almost fully healed Alex replied, stepping through the front door, having just taken out the trash.

     It had taken most of the two months since the incident at the lodge, but she eventually was able to ditch the wheelchair only a week ago, and other than the crutches she was now hobbling around on, which according to the doctor would be gone hopefully by the end of this month, she was fully healed.

     " Did you get the balloons?"

     " Gah! The balloons, I completely forgot!" Zane began to panic at this question." I was too busy trying to get this button-up to work!"

     Garroth chucked." Don't worry about it little bro, I got your back. See? I made sure to grab some just in case."

     " Garroth you're a lifesaver."

     He chuckled again before speaking more seriously." By the way, are you going to wear that... mask with that shirt?"

     " I know... it's just... they clash... let's go try to make something to complement your outfit."

     " But she'll be here in an hour we have to help with the setup!"

     " Lucinda and Kim are doing that, we just have to make sure we're ready ourselves, you want to look good don't you?"

    " I mean I don't care but... I don't want Aphmau to worry about me."

     " Exactly, when she gets home let's show her you've been doing fine. Lex, would you mind checking on Lucinda and Kim?"

" On it!" She took her crutches before beginning to make her way out the door, stopping only briefly to give Garroth a kiss on the cheek.

     " And no helping with the decorating! Just check on them, I don't want you getting hurt."

     " I know, I know

     " Hey guys, I was asked to stop by and check how setup was going."

     " Alright Alex, just no-"

     " I know, I know, no helping decorate." She hobbled over to the couch before sitting down next to Kim with more grace than one would expect from someone who'd been incapable of moving their legs for the past two months.

     " Alright, I renewed her Netflix, and Crunchyroll accounts, that way if she needs to keep her mind off of Aaron she can default to just watching TV!"

     " You mean the way you do when you're feeling sad and lonely?" The ghost spoke.

     " No one asked you!"

    Lucinda laughed for a moment at Kim's interaction with the ghost living inside of her." Thank you, Kim, that's really sweet of you." The witch then turned back to her kitchen counter.

     " What'cha making?"

    " Oh, well I thought I'd make a fireworks potion so when Aphmau arrives back to her house we can make it extra special with a little flare."

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