Aphmau in Love ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 31)

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Cookies And Confusion ( XVII )

     " Here we are, this is the restaurant where your father took me on our first date," the dark-haired woman said once they reached the nearest Olive Garden.

     " Mom! Did you really have to bring us here?" Zane complained.

     " Oh, Zu-Zu! It's symbolic!" Zianna told her son." Coming to this restaurant is good fortune for any couple."

     " Mom it's just a superstition you made up."

     " Mom believes any couple who has a date here ends up getting married," Vylad explained to Aaron and Aphmau.

     " What? It's true! Every couple I've ever known has come on a date here ended up getting married. Now Zane, why don't you and Aphmau kiss?"

     There was a collective," WHAT!?"

     " Mom stop being weird, I'm not going to kiss Aphmau in front of you."

     " Oh! But I want to be here for your first kiss!"

     " M-mom," Garroth interjected." I think you need to calm down. Zane will kiss Aphmau when he's ready."

     " Exactly!"

     " He will huh?" Aaron asked.

     " I mean... I am her boyfriend, aren't I? But I'm not ready."

     " Good."

     " ...Yet," Zane added, causing Aaron to growl to himself.

     " What did you say Zu-Zu?" Zianna asked, genuinely wondering what her son had said." You know no one can hear you when you mutter behind that mask."

     " Mummy, shouldn't you reserve a table?" Garroth pointed out.

     " Right! I almost forgot! I'll be right back." She rushed off into the restaurant.

     " What was that about?" Aaron asked questioningly.

     Zane laughed." Whatever do you mean?"

     " Alright. Guys, we need to get our heads together. All we have to do is get past this date and then you guys never have to do this again."

     " Just a few more hours of keeping this charade up... I hope. I think I'm almost out of cookies to hand out," Alex said, reaching into her purse and pulling out the plastic bag that she kept chocolate chip cookies in, revealing there were only a few left.

     " I-I don't know if I can do this anymore," Aphmau stuttered.

     " Aphmau, just try to hang in there. You've come this far."

     " I know, I know... but still... I'm having such a hard time doing this..."

     " Hmmm... Zane?" Vylad asked." Do you still have that potion you showed me?"

     " W-what!? I have no idea what you're talking about!"

     " Show it to me."

     " Fine. Here it is."

     " It's a love potion," Vylad explained to the onlookers.

     " What!?"

     " I-it's not what it seems like!"

     Aaron growled." You better not've had any intention of using this on Aphmau."

     " No! I'd taken this from Michi a while back, I'd never had any intent to use it."

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