The Neighborhood Play Part One ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episodes 18)

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The Non-Musical Side Of Theater! ( IX )

     Alex was sitting around the living room of the guy's house with Laurence, Garroth was spending time with his mother and Dante was at work, the two of them were just reading in silence, having come up with the goal of finishing reading The Hobbit before Christmas break was over, when the doorbell rang and Laurence got up to answer it.

     " Hey Aphmau, what brings you here?"

     " Laurence! I wanted to let you that there's going to be a Neighborhood play going on and Katelyn, the one and only, is going to be directing it."

     " My sister?" Alex asked, sounding confused as she shut her book and walked over to the door." She's never shown any interest in theatre, at least not when around me. What play?"

     " Romeo and Juliet!" Aphmau responded with a smile as Alex let out a sigh of frustration.

     " Very cliche, don't you think?" Laurence asked.

     " Yes, but Katelyn seems like she's always wanted to direct that play sooooo... why not?"

     " Fair enough, so you just wanted to tell me that?"

     " Not just that, buuut Katelyn is going to be holding auditions for actors tonight around dusk and I wanted to see if you guys would be interested."

     " I might try out..." Alex said." I've been in quite a few musicals and plays, and took theatre in high school, I tried to convince you guys to come and see some of the performances I was in but you were always busy with other things... and honestly, if the whole Veterinary thing didn't work out I had the option of going to Julliard, so I'll try out. I've never been a huge Romeo and Juliet fan but I think Mercutio would be a cool role to play, so count me in... I'm going to get back to reading now."

     Laurence chuckled about how excited Alex got at the mention of theatre before saying," No than- wait, are you Juliet?"

     " No, no no no. I'm just helping Katelyn put this all together."

     Alex began humming part of a song from In The Heights after hearing the word 'No' being repeated multiple times, while also trying not to bother her friends with the humming to much.

     " I see - darn- well, I might not audition but I'll go there to be supportive of Katelyn."

     " That's great! Just be sure to tell the other guys, it's at the community center down the street. I want to make sure that Katelyn has Actors to make the whole play come true so... yeah!"

     " Will do, say, you wanna hang out today? Alex and I are just reading The Hobbit but we would appreciate the company."

     " No thanks, I have to spread the word, but we can hang out after Katelyn holds our auditions tonight."

     " Sounds good, catch you later then."

     " Later!"

     Laurence closed the front door as Aphmau began to walk away.

     " Let me guess, had Aph being playing Juliet you'd have tried out for the part of Romeo?" Alex asked from her spot on the couch as she turned the page.

     " Yeah, I'm honestly surprised you'd like to try out for Mercutio, he doesn't seem like the type of Character you'd play."

     " I guess he doesn't, but I've almost always played characters who are a lot braver and more outgoing then I am, it makes me feel braver and more outgoing than I really am. Plus, like I said, he seems like a cool character to play... Wow, I still can't believe that all those times I thought I had to force Katelyn into taking part in a musical she actually wanted to! After all this time!"

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