What do I DO!? ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode 16)

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Romantic Feelings/ What Would I Do? ( LXXXIV )

     " The haunted house wasn't scary at all."

     " Are you kidding me!? How did it not scare you!?" Dottie exclaimed after the witch in the group had said these words.

     " Yeah, it gave me the spooks..."

     " I'm a witch, I've been to the spirit world, trust me, I've seen scarier."

     " There are scarier things in this world!? Eeep!"

     Garroth chuckled lightly at the scared werewolf." Speaking of Haunted House, did anyone have a romantic experience?"

     Kawaii~Chan and Zane, both bright red already, yelled in surprise at these words before Lucinda laughed.

     " Oh, because of that thing Guy said? Garroth, I'm sure that was just an urban legend going around online, it's not real."

     " Besides! The only two people who I wanted to see sparks fly weren't even there, so does it matter!?" Melissa sobbed.

     " Besides who would even kiss in a haunted house? It's kind of hard to do that, wouldn't you think? I mean first, you've got to get in the mood and everything, and..."

     Garroth began going on and on about his list as Alex stood a bit to the side of the group, testing out some wrist exercises Lucinda had taught her when she was originally trying to get the girl to use her newfound magic as much as possible.

     After her talk with Garroth, she'd done a lot of thinking as they'd continued walking through the haunted house, and had been a bit too distracted to actually pay attention to anything else. With a small flick of her wrist, the branch on a nearby bush began to glow just as the emeralds had back at the lodge, and she attempted to move it around a bit, her arm guiding its path before there was a sudden yell from both Kawaii~Chan and Zane, breaking her concentration.

     " Yeah, and then that happens, see?"

     " Oh, Kawaii~Chan! Are you going to the bathroom? Wait up!" Lucinda called to the meif~wa before running after her, grabbing Alex's arm as she went and dragging the poor girl along behind her.


     " Ahh! Lucinda! Alex!"

     " I didn't sign up for being dragged over here, just so you know."

     " Hey, girl! You ran off super fast, I wasn't even sure where you went for a moment."

     Kawaii~Chan laughed nervously." Sorry..."

     " Don't worry about it, but you're probably done and everything so don't feel like you have to wait up for us."

     " Lucinda I need to ask you a question! Or Alex!"

     The two exchanged glances before turning back to their Meifwa friend.

     " Have either of you ever kissed someone impulsively?"

     Lucinda laughed nervously for a few seconds." What?"

     " No."

     " I need to know!"

     " Umm... why do you need to know?"

     " Umm... b-because... shipping!... Things!"

     " Hmm... well, uhh... I'll pretend like I understand that but-"

     " Never mind I have to get going!" The meif~wa laughed nervously before running out of the building.

     " Kawaii~Chan... she's acting really strange... stranger than usual."

     " Cool... can I go now? Like, leave? Back to the boat?"

     " Alright, alright, I'll meet you there."


      " Alex!"

     The girl in question looked up from her book with a confused look on her face, seeing no one around before getting pulled behind one of the park benches by her pink meif~wa friend.

     " How does this keep happening?"

     " I need to talk to you about something! Since Aphmau isn't here I feel like you're the only other person for me to tell this to!"

     " Couldn't you have told me when Lucinda and I were in the girl's bathroom earlier?"

     " But I don't know how Lucinda would've responded! And I really need to tell someone!"

     Alex sighed." Alright, what's up?"

     " I kissed Zane!" The meif~wa yelled loudly, causing Alex to wince in pain.

     " Alright, I'll just say that my ears are perfectly fine and move on with my life there... so what's the problem?"

     " I just told you!"

     " Alright, you Kissed Zane, that's the problem then I'm guessing? How does that make you feel?"

     " Scared! And Nervous! And Panicked!"

     " Alright, you're worried about how he reacted?" Alex sat down on the dirt behind the bench, quickly followed by Kawaii~Chan." How has he been acting since this happened?"

     " I don't know! I haven't talked to him, and he hasn't said anything at all that I've heard!"

     " Alright... and this is making you even more nervous?"

     " Yes! I'm worried he hates me now!"

     " Alright... well there's two options here, either he's reacting in the same way as you, or he's reacting in the way you think he's reacting in, if it's the first option then he's likely also thinking you're reacting in the way you think he's reacting in, if that makes sense."

     " It doesn't! I'll just call Aphmau..."

     " Alright... then I'll just go on with my day, I'll see you back on the boat Kawaii~Chan."

A/N: Woo! Another chapter! And I was going to mention this in my last A/N but I wrote so much then that I moved it forward to today. I've never really talked about my opinions on shipping, beyond Casekiel ( Cassandra and Ezekiel) from The Librarians ( but they're just so amazing and my favorites and work so well together and I'll stop now or else you'd be reading a full five pages on why I adore them and that ship so much), but honestly Zane and Kawaii~Chan are the only two who I really 'ship' in Mysteet, Aaron and Aphmau are nice and such, but I've never taken that much interest in their relationship and just spent my time accepting they were together before moving on with my life... sorry... Alright, Never Have I Ever Time!

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever gotten detention; she had other things to do in high school and couldn't dare to waste any time in detention so she just always avoided getting in trouble.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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