Boy-Shopping ( Season 2 of Mystreet; Episode 6)

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Why? Why is This Happening? ( XXVI )

     " Aphmau! We're late!" Alex yelled, racing into the room the short girl stayed in."Oh, hi Aaron."

     " We're late!?" Aphmau asked." You're never late!"

     " That's an interesting tale, so you know how you told me that on the first morning we were here Garroth was cuddling with Aaron?"

     " Yeah, what about it?"

     " Well now that SOMEONE," she glared over at Aaron." Has decided to sleep on the roof instead, I've been stuck filling in the role of Teddy bear."

     " Says the girl who still sleeps with a teddy bear," Aaron shot back jokingly.

     " That's a different story. At any rate, it took me a long time just to sit up without waking Garroth. And I'm pretty sure the two of us should be leaving right about now. I would wait for you downstairs but I don't want to be any later than I already am! Bye!" With that, she raced off to the store.


     " There you are Aphmau!" Sylvanna exclaimed once Aphmau met up with the others." What kept you so long?"

     " Yeah, you missed lunch."

     " Yeah, I got a little caught up in something..."

     " Alright you time this is no time to get distracted, you know why we're here. To find Aphmau a boyfriend."

     " Mom you really don't need to do this."

     " Operation get me some grandbabies already is a go! Now let's spread out and find mister right!"

     " Uh... what's going on?" Katelyn asked as Aphmau's mom ran into the store.

     " My mom's being loco again! Apparently keeping boys away from me is no longer her mission, now she's determined to help find me a boyfriend so I can turn around and give her grandbabies. Will you guys help me deal with her?"

     " Last I checked you have a boyfriend," Katelyn said, confused." Why don't you just have babies with him?"

     " Katelyn why would you even suggest-! Besides! You know how my mom feels about Aaron, she hates him! I'm going to tell her about us but not just yet."

     " If you really think it's best to go along with this crazy scheme, then I'll be your accomplice, but for the record, it's not my fault if it all goes south."

     " I suppose you could call it operation 'Try not to somehow get Aaron Killed'? At any rate, I'll try my best to help but I doubt there's much I can do."

     " Thank you! Besides, what could go wrong?" Aphmau headed into the store, soon followed by Katelyn, as Alex stood outside for a few seconds longer, her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.

     " Apparently no one around here has heard of adopting." She shook her head before following her friends into the store.


     " Geez, you always were really non-stop in high school, All that's happened in this past year?"

     Alex laughed lightly before responding." Yeah, it's been a crazy few months, what about you Teony? Did you ever get to go to France like you wanted?"

     Before Teony could speak, Ivy responded for her friend." She hasn't yet, but while we've been on the island, Teony met a girl from France."

     " That's incredible Teony!" The freckled girl sighed again." I'm getting the feeling that I've been left out of something interesting again... Oh well, Ivy, how've you been?"

A/N: I didn't know what else to really do with this episode so I decided to put a fun little bit at the end. If anyone out there is wondering what Alex's favorite ice cream flavor is she really likes Chocolate Chip ice cream, but in between chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, she prefers vanilla. As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. Fun fact I kept getting distracted by Beetlejuice the Musical stuff. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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