Worst Idea Ever ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode Kind of 46)

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Online Searching For The Impossible ( LV )

     " So, you've come to me on the day of mall day, to ask for my help with these tickets."

     " Yes, but you can't tell anyone what they're for," Aaron said quickly as he and Dante explained the predicament to Garroth, Alex, and Kim.

     " It's a surprise for Aphmau, so we're trusting you with this information, that goes for you too Alex, and Kim."

     " I'm not a talkative person so I won't say a word," the taller of the girls said, as if that was something she needed to point out despite the fact that everyone in the room already knew that.

     " Oh I would never say anything, I promise."

     " She's cool, so you can trust her," Garroth promised." So I have a few ideas, first off why not try selling clothes you don't need?"

     " I donate my old clothes so that isn't even an option."

     " Welp. I'm all out of ideas."

     " That's all you had!?"

     " Look, aside from working multiple jobs I'm not sure what else Aaron can do, honestly maybe this year isn't a great year to go."

     " Maybe..." Aaron said before sighing in disappointment.

     " Well, we can look online to see if we can find anything to help."

     " That's a really good idea!" Alex congratulated her one female best friend.

     " We've tried this once before but we can try again, I'll go get my laptop."


     " Ooh! What about walking dogs? You can charge per dog!" Kim suggested after a while.

     " That sounds like a great idea! Aaron, aren't you great with dogs?"

     " You're right! You could get paid a ton with that skill set," Alex added on.

     " It would be, but I'm pretty sure Aph would notice something like that, and the whole point is it's supposed to be a surprise."

     " True... with her love for animals Aph would definitely notice something like a bunch of dogs."

     " Or the smell, she would definitely notice something like that."

     " Guys I appreciate it but... honestly I think there's nothing we can do, I think maybe I'll put it off for a year or so."

     The room was suddenly filled with the sound of two ringtones going off at the same time before both Garroth and Aaron answered their phones.

     " Hello?"

     " Garroth! Are you with Aaron?"

     " Yeah?"

     " Hit his phone out of his hand."

     Garroth turned to his friend." Can I hit your phone out of-"

     " No. Dad, what's going on?"

     " What's going on is that I have a job for you!"

     " Dad I don't need a j-"

     " I'll pay you a lot for this."

     " ... normally I wouldn't listen to you but... go on."

     " Good, now hit Garroth's phone out of his hand."

     " No."

     " Oh come on, it'll be funny."

     " You know that both Garroth and I can hear you're in the same room, right? What's going on?"

     " We need you to take care of a property for us!" Zianna's voice sounded a bit more faint but they could still hear her just fine.

     " That's right, we-" there was a crashing noise from the other end of the phone call." Hey!"

     " Son I need you to take a trip for me, why don't you come over to the Ro'meaves house and we'll discuss more, this is of utmost importance."

     Aaron sighed." Alright, we'll head over, be there soon."

     " What? No, don't bring Garroth, I-" There was another loud crash before Zianna's voice came through Garroth's phone, a lot clearer this time.

     " Oh and Gar-Gar, bring Zu-Zu!"

     " Zianna! We want to fix the place, not destroy it, bring Alexa!"

     " Well?" Aaron asked once he and Garroth had both hung up.

     " Sounds interesting."

     " If anything I'm at least willing to hear them out."

     " Right, let's go."

A/N: I'm getting better every day at uploading earlier! Only one more chapter before season three is over and season four will begin, which incase you haven't already guessed, Alex will be in. I don't really have anything else to say today... As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day! At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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