The Alpha Werewolf or The Omega Werewolf ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 11)

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... Well, That Could've Gone Better ( LXVI )

     " It's no use! This isn't going to work."

     " Well, my thought process is if we're here for long enough we'll lose so much weight that we'll just be able to slip through the bars." Alex stared off into space.

     " That's never going to work, you know that right?"

     " Yeah."

     " You sound oddly calm about all of this."

     " Meh, we can't do anything until Aphmau and Aaron possibly come with backup."

     There was a sudden growling noise from elsewhere in the cavern causing Lucinda to gasp in fear as Alex just continued to stare ahead.

     " Wolves!" The witch approached the bars of her cage nervously." Hey! Please, if you are werewolves, please hear me out."

     The wolves growled to each other for a moment before turning back to the red-headed girl and turning around, leaving the room again.

     " No! Ugh, stupid dogs."

     Both wolves, who had not yet completely left the room, turned around and growled at her.

     " Uhh... I mean... good boys?... and girl... look just please get us out of here!" There was no response as they just stared back at her." They must be wild wolves. Darn it! If they were werewolves I might've been able to sway them."

     There was a loud thud as one of the wolves dropped something before they both disappeared completely from view.

     " Did they just drop off a bag?... those are... emeralds? There's a lot of them."

     " Don't get too excited Lucinda. There's another person joining them."

     " How-"

     The shadowy figure from before entered their sight." Good job, both of you," they spoke to the pair of wolves while looking at the bag of emeralds." These are just what we need, one of these emeralds should have power to work, I'll shift through them until we find one, if not we'll have to keep looking... these two will make great additions to our pack."

     " We can hear you, you know!" Lucinda yelled at whoever it was." And we'll never join you! Just tell me what you want with us!"

     They stayed silent and rustled through the bag, looking for something specific.

     " Answer me!"

     " You'll be able to answer your own question yourself soon enough!" The figure pulled one of the emeralds out of the bag." Ah... here's at least one." They began to laugh evilly as Lucinda and Alex were simply stuck watching as whoever it was had a potion in one hand.


     " What did you do to her!?" Alex asked once Lucinda had completely left the cave and she was trapped alone." What do you want from us!?"

     The figure stayed silent.

     " First Zane, now Lucinda, it doesn't make sense, there's no patterns, nothing, nothing I can think of that's making you do this."

     Again, whoever it was stood there in silence, rustling through their bag of emeralds before pulling out another one, along with a second potion.

     Alex's heart dropped as she silently watched the figure mix the two together before holding up their new creation and the same light that had happened when Lucinda changed began glowing yet again.

     When the glow faded though she was still left with one blue eye, and her normal shade of forest green in the other, only what Lucinda had seen before happened again, the bright green dots in each of her eyes had grown larger again, clearly taking the shape of an emerald.

A/N: And here's yet another chapter! It's around half the length of the last one because there were only so many scenes I could put her in (aka the scene in the cavern and the one I added in afterward) but I hope that's okay, todays Never Have I Ever;

( From The Video): Never Have I Ever made potions that turned my friends into clones; you may not believe this... but she never did that... such a shock... Alex moved forward.

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever met someone who realized Alex was my full first name on the first try; in case this confuses anyone what she's trying to say is everyone she's ever met basically assumed Alex was short for something... it's not.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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