Will You Be Here For Me? ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 15)

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Time For An Attack ( LXX )

     "... What did Aaron mean by you being in danger? I understand if you don't want to tell me, but I'm just confused..."

     " It's fine... I understand why you're confused... do you remember when Ein went to Phoenix Drop High back when I was a sophomore?"

     " Only slightly, I remember Aph helping him out a bit."

     " She was assigned to help him out because he was a transfer student, but that's beside the point, he was putting on a nice act. Problems began to arise after he became the Alpha male, and the day he had a possibility of getting overthrown, Aaron, my friend Blaze, and I came up with a plan to keep him away from the Werewolf games, as you may recall Aphmau talking about... there was a face-off in the gym, Blaze was at the games while Aaron, another werewolf, and I were up against Ein."

     " And that's why he's doing this?"

     " I'd assume so... we foiled his plan of somehow saving werewolves and allowing them to be free and wild or something like that, he ended up attacking Aaron, and after a while he kind of couldn't take it anymore, I don't exactly know what happened after that, as I was told to close my eyes, but from what I gathered, Aaron's some sort of special werewolf."

     " Alright, so that explains why he hates Aaron so much, but you didn't seem to do anything wrong apart from being present."

     Alex stared off into space, before responding in a very passive tone." I kind of flung him out a window."

     Before Garroth could ask any more questions, Aaron entered the hallway, and the two automatically looked over to him with concern etched on each of their faces.

     " How're your wounds?" Alex looked up as Garroth spoke." Are you okay?"

     " I'm fine, Garroth, I just needed to make sure I was patched up before we set out." As soon as the words left his mouth, Aaron fell down, catching himself from hitting the floor by leaning up against the wall.

     " Aaron!"

     " Aaron!... Aaron? Aaron!?"

     " I'm fine."

     " No you're not, how are you even alive? I saw what Aph did to you..."

     " That wasn't Aph! She would never do that."

     " Aaron-"

     " Aphmau was the first friend I ever had! She was the first person to speak to me with compassion, she saw me for more than I was... for more than I ever will be... she saved me back then, from feeling forgotten... everyone... I won't let Ein take them from me! I won't let them be forgotten..."

     " Are we even going to be able to save them?"

     " We will. I won't rest until everyone's safe."

     " Hmm... you have my strength."

     " And my emeralds."

A/N: Alright I have to get this in here, I didn't remember this line from the first time I watched this episode, but in rewatching it for this chapter I burst out laughing because it reminded me of Fellowship of the Ring ' You have my Sword.' ' And my Bow' ' And my Axe' sadly Alex has none of these so I couldn't use those exact lines.

     " Now, what's the plan?"

     Aaron sighed." Our main problem is Lucinda."

     " That's right... Lucinda... there's no way we can get to Ein with her under his control."

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