A-con 2016 ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 33)

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... Conventions You Don't Want To Go To Are An Interesting Time ( XVIII )

     " This is the room... right?" Alex said as she, Lucinda, Garroth, Laurence, and Travis arrived in front of the hotel room Kawaii~Chan had said they were checked in to.

     " I'm pretty sure..." Lucinda knocked on the door before Aphmau opened it for them." Hey girl!"

     " Hay gurl!" Travis repeated, trying to sound like Lucinda.

     " You do a terrible Lucinda impression, Travis."

     " Nah, I nailed it."

     " Sorry it took us a while, Garroth picked us up and introduced me to Travis here. Aphmau it's so good to see you. Are you excited for this years convention?"

     " Oh yeah! Or... I would be but... I lost my costume somehow."

     " What!?"

     " How!?"

     " Long story but it got taken out or something after check-in at the hotel."

     " That's horrible! Do you not have another outfit?"

     " N-no..."

     " Hmmm... well now, this isn't so bad, cheer up! Lucinda has all the answers after all."

     " You do?"

     " I made my costume with my spells, I can certainly make you one too, come on let's put on a little fashion show now, shall we?"

     " Alright! Come on in!"


     " Alright, hold still... here we go," Lucinda said, readying her wand and then casting the first spell, putting a sailor moon outfit on Aphmau that had an extraordinarily short skirt.

     " That's the skirt I was talking about!" Travis said as Alex slapped a hand over her eyes." Do a twirl Aphmau-"

     Garroth hit his friend on the back of the head." Get your mind out of the gutter!"

     " While it does look nice on you... I don't think it's your style." Lucinda thought for a second." Here, how about this." She cast another spell, putting Aphmau in a 'Digimon' costume.

     " Ooooh!" Alex exclaimed with a smile." That one does look cute on you Aph!"

     Zane laughed." Hey Garroth look, it's from that game you used to play when we were kids, what was it... Digimon?"

     " Don't you dare talk to me again with that filthy mouth!"

     " Let's face it, Digimon was better."

     " Nu-uh!"

     " Yeah-huh!"

     " Both of you please calm down," Alex said, putting her arms up in between her two best friends as she tried to be the voice of reason between them.

     " Nice tail Aphmau," Travis said flirtatiously before getting hit on the head by Aaron.

     " Do you ever learn?"

     Lucinda laughed at the commotion." Third times a charm. Here we go!"

     Aphmau looked down at her new outfit." Lucinda, what is this outfit even from?"

     " I'm not sure... I think my spells are losing power right now, we're going to have to let them recharge for a bit."

     " Weird looking outfit."

     " How do you even see with that mask on?" Garroth asked.

     " It looks-" Travis began before getting interrupted by Zane.

     " Don't even."

     Travis and Lucinda broke into their own conversation as Alex turned to look at the others.

     " Please remind me how I keep getting dragged into these Anime cons, I watch very little Anime."

     " Yeah, because you're too obsessed with that stupid show you watch ' The Librarians'," Aphmau pointed out.

     " The Librarians isn't stupid! Listen if it were an animated show I'd be going to Anime con dressed as Cassandra Cillian but nooo it isn't animated, it's amazing, but I'm still stuck here... you know what, now that you've got me thinking about The Librarians I'm going to go watch an episode of it. See you guys around."

A/N: First off the bat if anyone were to ever call The Librarian's stupid I would punch them in the face. No Exceptions. I've finally gotten to the end of season one of Mystreet and soon I'll be starting on Love~Love Paradise and I'm so excited cause I have a lot planned for that series of episodes. Like always I hope at least one person at least some-what enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments about anything make me happy, sorry about how short this chapter was, and have a good rest of your day! At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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