Kiss ATTACK!? ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 4)

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More People To Get Lost. Great. ( LX )

     " Do you think she's going to be alright?"

     " Oh yeah, I'm sure."

     " She's perfectly fine medically," Alex confirmed." So so long as Lucinda's sure nothing otherworldly is wrong with Kim, she'll be okay."

     " It seems like it was just a minor possession spell."

     " Kim?" Aphmau asked the girl as she lay on the sofa." How're you feeling?"

     " Better... actually."

     " Can I get you anything? Water or food?"

     " No, no, I'm fine, I've just got a small headache."

     " You're recovering well for someone who was possessed only a few days ago."

     " Thanks... I guess... umm... is the guy I attacked alright?"

     Lucinda looked confused for a moment."... attacked?"

     " Mhm, Garroth said I attacked his brother Zane."

     " Oh! So that's what he told you huh?"

     " I'm so embarrassed!... I owe Zane an apology to his devilishly handsome face," her tone changed a bit at these last few words, making her sound like a different person entirely.

     " Uhh... Kim?" Aphmau asked, concerned." Are you okay?"

     The voice continued with a soft giggle." I'm always okay when thinking about Zane... especially his soft lips..."

     " Kim!" Lucinda said sharply." Snap out of it."

     " Huh- Huh!? What happened!?"

     " Interesting... it seems you're still suffering from some lingering effects of the possession..."

     " What does that mean!? Am I going to attack Zane again!?"

     " Attack isn't the word I would use for-" Aphmau began before Lucinda went into a supposed coughing fit, throwing out coughs that sounded like Aphmau." Oh! Right! Yeah! Let's keep you away from Zane, at least until we can figure out what's going on with you Kim."

     " Uhh... okay... just tell him I'm so sorry."

     " Kim, do you remember how this happened to you?"

     " No, honestly I don't, the last thing I remember before this was going to sleep with you guys, and then I woke up with everyone looking at me and a huge headache."

     " I recommend getting some rest on the headache part," Alex recommended." Besides that, I can't really help given the fact I don't know as much of the more spiritual side of the world as Lucinda does."

     " Alex's right about the rest Kim, maybe Aphmau, Alex, and I will take you for a walk later to get some fresh air."

     " Thank you guys so much." She lay down on the sofa again.

     " Aphmau, Alex, a word." They walked a few feet away from the now sleeping Kim." We need to keep Kim away from Zane."

     " Well it's not going to be a problem with that, Zane's upstairs spooked out of his mind... he's... shocked someone took that much interest in him... though it isn't going to his head! He just... is very uncomfortable with things right now."

     " Good, then at least he'll stay away from Kim right now if it was a possession by spirit then that could be bad for both of them."

     " Are there any better options for possession?"

     " There are potion's, spells, neither of them exactly better, honestly I can't tell what it was given the fact that I don't have my own potions... even if I did it's to late to be able to trace it now so I'm just going off of her symptoms."

     " I see... well... we'll just have to keep a close eye on her then!"

     " Hey." They all turned to look at Garroth as he and Aaron entered the room." How're things going? Any update?"

     " She's still going in and out of it but she's getting better... for now all we can do is just keep an eye on her."

     " Well, that's good to hear... I guess."

     " Alright, so there are a few things we need to do."

     " Like what?"

     " Well we're running out of food and plus we need a few supplies."

     " That's right! I almost forgot! We kind of need food to survive."

     " This would be the perfect opportunity to get Kim out of the house."

     " Alright, well then I guess it's a road trip."

     " I'll stay back with Zane," Garroth offered." I want to make sure he's okay."

     " I'll stay here as well." Alex made eye contact with the redhead, trying to explain her reasoning without scaring those unaware." I think I can at least keep any possession away for the time being until Lucinda gets back."

     " Good idea, well then, let's get going."

     " Right!"

     Before the group even got within a few feet of the door Garroth momentarily stopped them.

     " Wait up guys! I'm going to move my car into the Garage."


     A loud crash echoed through the house just as Alex walked through another dark and empty hallway, she quickly turned towards the lit main area that was already ten to twenty feet behind her before wondering if she'd reach the others in time before whatever it was found either them or her, just as she'd made up her mind to run for it the light from her phone reflected off of something else, catching her eye.

     Hoping she'd have enough time to take a look she bent down and cleared away some of the rubble covering the green crystal that was unmistakenly an emerald but before she had the chance to identify anything else there was a second loud crash and she ran for it, all the way back to where Garroth and Zane were supposed to be, clutching the gem to her chest as she dashed through the hallways, attempting to keep a grip on her phone, the emerald, and the larger knife she'd chosen to carry with her this time around.

A/N: Well... hi. Also I'm not even joking when the only words in this Authors Note were Well Hi for the longest time until I wrote this... you're welcome... and again, this chapters never have I ever ( If no one actually enjoys reading these I can stop);

( From The Video): Never Have I Ever Aced a test without studying; Alex moved forward, she probably could do it but just always studies before hand

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever killed a plant; she likes gardening, what can I say?

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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