I Will Always Love You ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 13)

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Well... You've Been Warned ( LXVIII )

     Three people ran through a rough blizzard, one being quickly followed by the other two, all were tired, as though they'd been running for hours on end.

     " Aaron!... Aaron wait up!" the slowest of the three yelled as they stopped to catch a breath of air before running after the other two before they all stopped again shortly afterward." Aaron where're you going!?"

     He didn't reply and instead just attempted to also catch a breath and a short break from all the running he'd done.

     " Aaron! The storm is getting worse, we need to turn back! Please, Aaron, we will never be able to find them! Lucinda used a spell! There's no way on earth we can track them down! I care about them too but we're no use if we freeze to death, Aaron! Aaron!-"

     Again, there was no reply for a minute before Aaron actually spoke." I can hear her, she's this way."

     " What!? Aaron the storm!" Again they took off running before coming to a stop shortly after.

     " Aaron?" Alex asked timidly." Is there somewhere else we need to go from here? If you're tired I could go the rest of the way and-"

     " Stop... someone's here."

     " Wha-"

     " I know you're there." Aaron spoke into the storm." Come out."

     The girl who'd entered the lodge with the wolves only days ago stepped into the clearing.

     " A-Aaron! This is that girl with the wolves!" Garroth yelled in shock, but his friend didn't seem as surprised as the other two, and instead spoke directly to whoever the girl was.

     " You had something to do with this, didn't you?"

     " Aaron you need to leave. You need to leave now," whoever it was said as a way of replying.

     " I won't, I need to bring her back."

     " You can't follow her!"

     " Please, stand aside."

     " No, I won't!"

     " Please..."

     " She's gone!" The woman yelled, sadness forming in her eyes, and it clearly pained her to say these words." Forget about her!"

     " I will never."

      " If you continue, he-" she paused for a moment, trying to pick and choose her words carefully before knowing what she had to say." He will kill you, don't you understand!?"

     " What!? What in Irene's name is going on!?"

     " Please!" The woman said, choosing to ignore what Garroth had said." Let me protect you!"

     Aaron approached whoever it was." Please, she's my world."

     " No. No! He'll hurt you!"

     " Please... she's everything to me..."

     Garroth and Alex stood to one side and watched the entire conversation, almost staying completely silent, one being very confused and the other knowing what was going on, but was too afraid to say it.

     " Fine..." the woman eventually responded." But please listen to me... I didn't want any part of this," tears started welling up in her eyes as she spoke truthfully." This wasn't my fault... it wasn't my fault."

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