CHRISTMAS BOY FIGHT! ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode kind of 30)

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More Christmas Chaos ( XLVIII )

     " In this album there's a picture, of Abuela in Havana. She is holding a rag doll, unsmiling, black and white. I wonder what she's thinking, does she know that she'll be leaving? For the city on a cold dark night?-"

     " I should be the one to put the star on top of the tree!"

     " No! It should be me! Garroth, last year you got to put the star on top of the tree."

     " That was last year, remember our tree was dinky!"

     " Dinky or not you still got to do it! Give me one good reason why you should this year."

     " Well... umm... look at this star! It looks like my hair, therefore it should be me who does it."

      " That's a stupid reason!"

     Zane turned to his third housemate, sitting calmly on the counter, sipping some Hot Chocolate." You aren't going to try and stop them?"

     " This argument's happened every single year since they and Dante first started living together," She replied, flipping the page of the book she'd been reading." There's no stopping it, I've just learned to leave them be until the star's actually on the tree."

     " You're oddly calm this morning."

     " Almost all of the Christmas decorating is done, we just have to wait for them to finish decorating the tree, and I've made up seven different plans to tell your parents I'm dating Garroth along with three different escape routes and eleven hotels to stay at in case anything goes wrong, I just have to find the right time to tell them and up until then there's absolutely no point in worrying."

     " I suppose that makes sense- they've gotten into a fistfight now."

     She sighed," That's my queue to step in."

     With that, she slid off of the counter before heading over to try and break up the fight, as Zane grabbed the fallen star.

     " Zane!"

     " Aww, man."

     " Well that's what you two get for acting like such children," the younger man scolded them." You know if you wanted to, you both could take turns putting the star on."

     " It's not as special."

     " Whatever." He walked into the kitchen and began to hum jingle bells as the other three just looked at him, confused.

     " What's gotten into you?"

     " Yeah, you're acting really... festive."

     " The holidays remind me of a special time in my life," Zane replied.

     " Oh! You mean the time I threw a snowball at your eye?" His older brother asked.

     " No! It reminds me of last year... when I learned the true meaning of friendship."

     " Oooh! Right, yeah I remember, you tried to steal everyone's stuff."

     " I would've been mad."

     " You guys just don't understand... but you're both stupid so I'll forgive you."

     The doorbell rang and Zane went to get it, confused about who it was. As he talked to the mailman Alex quickly glanced at the others before booking it upstairs to wrap some Christmas gifts.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to do something sweet and simple today so here you go! Also for those on Wattpad sorry for the missing chapter yesterday, I wrote it but just forgot to hit publish... so sorry about that. As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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