Mistletoe Wars Part Two ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 9)

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No, Wait, They Can ( VI )

     " Kawaii~Chan!" Katelyn yelled at her friend who seemed to be in a daze." Kawaii~Chan!"

     " Huh?"

     " Snap out of it! What's wrong?"

     " So that was just a dream? In a dream? Is this real life?"

     " Kawaii~Chan," Alex said, emerging from the kitchen doorway so as to avoid the Mistletoe." We all love you, but no one has a clue what you're talking about."

     Katelyn punched the pink-haired Meifwa and upon hearing an ' Ow,' declared," This is real."

     " So... does that mean Reese~Sempi hasn't- oh no!" She turned around to see Reese and Michi kiss under the mistletoe." Kawaii~Chan doesn't like Michi~Chan!" She started to cry as Alex ran over to comfort her housemate.

     " What's going on?" Aphmau asked, confused, walking down the stairs to see what all the fuss was about." Why's everyone gathered here in the foyer?"

     " Look, it's better that they're in there than back in my room."

     " Just hosting the party," Katelyn responded simply.

     " Oh! Good! Well, Katelyn, I'm so glad you finally decided to come around."

     " Wait, what? No!"

     " Thank you so much for changing your mind," Aphmau continued with a hint of laughter in her voice.

     " Nope! Going to my room!... My room! It's locked!?"

     Aphmau chuckled evilly." Now she has to stay down here... Why is Kawaii~Chan on the floor crying?"

     Alex looked up from where she was kneeling next to Kawaii~Chan just in time to see Aphmau approaching before lightly patting her crying friend on the back and then hurrying away from the whole mess.

     " Reese~Sempi!" the girl sobbed as she lay on the floor.

     " Hmm... that actually seems normal. Kawaii~Chan you should probably go sit on the couch, just so you're a little more comfortable while you're sobbing," Aphmau suggested before turning around." Oh! Hey! Cadenza! You made it to the-" she gasped, noticing the lack of a front door." Our Door!"

     " Oh, right, it... uhh... just broke!... suddenly."

     " Yeah, I know what you mean," Garroth agreed." That happens to me a lot."

     " I still hate you Garroth," Dante said, passing through the entry hall and into the kitchen.

     " Sticks and stones Dante, I'm stronger than that."

     " Oh Aphmau, that's right! I brought you some dessert I made! It's cupcakes with extra sprinkles-"

     " Sprinkles!" They both turned to look at Garroth, who at the word ' Sprinkles' broke down into tears.

     Suddenly Alex appeared out of seemingly thin air and crouched down next to Garroth, patting his back sympathetically before going to get some cookies from the kitchen for him.


     Alex had disappeared into her room yet again only to hear Laurence and Garroth running through the hallway right next to her room, yelling at each other. She rolled her eyes and continued on with her book until they both entered her room a minute later.

     " Another plan gone wrong?" She asked, not even bothering to look up as she took out her headphones.

     " Y-yeah," Garroth said sadly, faceplanting onto her bead as Laurence landed in her beanbag chair." I took her Grandmama's mistletoe."

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