Her Dad ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode 10)

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Relaxing, I suppose... ( LXXX )

     " You have no idea how much I needed this Vacation!"

     " You said it."

     Lucinda looked at Kim for a moment." It's just... I'm not really sure what you do Kim, do you work, or go to school, or-"

     " She's a yoga instructor," Alex answered for her friend." I'm in her Sunday morning yoga class for a few years now. It's how we re-connected after high school."

     " Really?"

     " Yep!... or at least I was a yoga instructor before we came on vacation, I left the studio I was with."

     " You did? Why?"

     " Guess."

     " I mean, maybe I had something to do with that," the ghost spoke as though it wasn't that big a deal.

     " Really."

     " Ghost has been really annoying!" Kim complained.

     " Well... I suppose being possessed isn't fun at all... it doesn't seem like you two get along."

     " Oh we try, but-"

     " I don't like yoga!"

     " I see... hmm... speaking of which, Kim, do you realize you've been living with this ghost for more than a year?"

     " Yeah, so?"

     " You don't think it's weird that we call ghost... ghost?"

A/N: Thank you, Lucinda! I'm not even joking when I say it bugs me so much to have to write ' The ghost said' all. The. Time!

     " I mean... ghost is... uhh..."

     " I mean a name, what is ghost's name?"

     " Oh! Ummm..."

     " Hmm... come to think of it, I don't even know that much about ghost."

     " Umm... hey!" The ghost said suddenly, attempting to change the topic." How about we go swimming!? Huh? Yeah, let's do that." Without a second thought, the ghost threw herself, in Kim's body, into the water.

     Kim sighed." Ghost, you are avoiding questions yet again."

     " Answering to people isn't my style... huh?" She turned to watch a pink ball floating past before turning around to see seven other identical pink balls in the water.

     " W-what!? What is this!?"

      " It looks like the pool is full of balls," Lucinda stated calmly.

     " W-what!? How did this happen!?"

     " I'm going to go ahead and assume it was Werewolves."

     Kim sighed in annoyance." This is like the fifth time this has happened! I want to know who's been doing this. I want to give them a piece of my mind!"

     " Same, but doubt anyone is going to fess up."

     " Ugh. I'm coming out... huh? I-I can't get out!"

     " Swim around them."

     Kim squeaked in fear as the other two just watched her attempt to get out of the pool.

     " Don't worry, you'll get it."

     " Hey Lex, Lucinda."

     " Hey."

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