Saying Goodbye ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 9)

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The Group Splits ( LXIV )

     " No temperature... medically speaking he's fine I suppose, but I can't explain much past that, I can't see any way he could've lost some memories which takes this into Lucinda's territories from here... however there is something a bit wrong, but I can't find the cause, then again you've all noticed, I'm assuming..."

     " Huh?"

     " Yeah?"

     " Noticed what?"

     " Kim you haven't known Zane long," Lucinda said, taking over for the weakening girl." But... look closely at his face."

     " Hmm... kinda hard to see his entire face with the mask."

     " Hey!"

     " You don't need to see his entire face to know something is off."

     " Really? What is it?"

     " His eyes," Garroth replied simply.

     " His eyes? They look the same to me."

     " They're not-... my baby brother's eyes are naturally blue, but his eyes are green."

     " Oh!... You're right, I didn't notice that before."

     " I think we were all caught up in finding him that we didn't think to question it."

     " To be honest, I was just glad he was back safe and sound."

     " We all were, especially Aphmau."

     " Zane, what exactly happened with your eyes?"

     " What're you talking about?"

     " Your eyes are a different color."

     " They are?"

     " They definitely are," Alex confirmed before thinking for a moment to see how they could prove it to Zane."... Kim, Lucinda, Garroth? Do any of you have a mirror with you?"

     " I do, it's small, but it should work. Here Zane, look, see?"

     " My eyes are green, that's my natural eye color."

     The other three exchanged glances before Garroth cut in quickly." No, it's not! Zane, please remember."

     " Look- Garroth, was it?- I appreciate you- no- all of you in helping me recover from the cold, but I don't appreciate you guys acting this way towards me."

     " What do you mean?" Lucinda asked, voicing the other's confusion as well.

     " Well first off Garroth over here keeps screaming he's my brother, even if he isn't screaming it he's giving me a dirty look."

     " No, I'm not!... what?"

     Alex placed a hand on his shoulder from her spot on a chair, to keep herself from having any more falls, as Zane continued." All I'm saying is I'd like to be respected a little more around here."

     " We understand that, don't we Garroth?"

     " Yes, we understand... I'm sorry Zane... I guess... something is just really getting to me."

     " Well, I hope whatever it is resolves itself soon."

     " Yeah... me too..."

     " Okay, well, now that that's out of the way we-"

     " Wait!" They all turned to look at Zane, surprised at the sudden outburst." Is my brother okay? I had gotten separated from him before."

     " Brother?"

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