Cursed ( Season 5 of Mystreet; Episode

129 2 0

Werewolves ( XC )

     " Melissa! Rachel!"

     " Melissa!"

     " On it!"

     Alex felt herself being suddenly shoved to the ground just as Ein had walked out of her eyesight and she fell down next to her friends after Melissa had shoved them all down.

     " Shield your eyes," Alex heard Rachel tell Aphmau as she stood up again, her eyes still glowing the bright green that only appeared when she seemed really upset.

     " Aaron! Get a hold of yourself!" Mr. Lycan yelled, grabbing his son by the shoulders before turning to his daughter." Melissa, go stop Alex."

     The older of the two siblings nodded at her father's command, grabbing Alex by the arm before the enraged girl quickly yanked it back before advancing yet again, only to find her path blocked yet again.

     " Aaron. Aaron. Lycan. Calm yourself!"

     " Ein."

     " W-what did he say," Garroths now afraid voice came from where he'd been shoved to the ground.

     Alex ducked under Melissa's arm just as Aaron threw his father off of him and the two set off along the bridge once more, the lighter of the two hoping onto the bridge's railing in order to be stopped less easily before hopping back down to the main path in order to pick up speed once she was far enough away.

     " Aaron!"

     " Aaron!"

     " Alex!"

     Garroth got up before catching the ultima, who was the nearest of the two, by the shoulder." Aaron!"

     The werewolf glared at his friend and, without even moving his arm, knocked Garroth backward.

     " Aaron please stop! You lost control!"

     As Alex heard a body fall to the floor the medic that was still part of her turned around to see who it was before seeing Garroth lying there, not moving a muscle. At the sight the emeralds in her eyes quickly shrank as she ran over to him, fear filling every inch of her body as she shoved past the Ultima and his Fiance, running towards the first person outside of her family who had ever offered friendship towards her as a small child.

     " He's already... no..."

     " Please, come back to me..." Aphmau sobbed to her boyfriend as Mr. Lycan gasped in realization at the sight.

     " Aph I- Ein! Ein is here!"

     " W-what!?" She quickly scanned the surrounding area." I-I don't-"

     Aphmau was cut off as Mr. Lycan caught up with the two of them and grabbed his son by the shoulders, forcefully turning him around to look him in the eye." What did you do!? You turned her, didn't you!?"

     " Oh no..."

     " I did it to protect her!"

     " Do you even realize what you've done!?"

     " I didn't do it on a whim!"

     " What on earth possessed you to freak out!? Right now!? Right here in the middle of everyone!?"

     " He's. Here. The one who tried to kill me and harm my fiance!"

     The words took a moment to sink in." Fiance... you... proposed?" he noticed the ring on Aphmau's hand before his surprise was broken as Garroth yelled in pain.

     " Garroth! Garroth! Please, hold on!"

     " Quick! We need to get him back home!"

     " Blaze! Maria! Please! Help us Carry him back."

     " Right!"

     " On it!"

     " Wait!" Alex yelled, holding a hand up, signaling the two werewolves to stop." It'll be quicker if I carry him, please, I need to help, I could've prevented this..."

     She stood up shakily, moving her hands as she did so and quickly levitating her boyfriend's body from the ground.

     " Garroth!" Aaron's eyes turned back to normal before his father stopped him from going any farther.

     " No! You stay away from him! You've done enough damage as it is."

     " Is Garroth going to be-"

     " I have no idea right now but what I do know is you both have some explaining to do! Both of you to the house! Now!"


     There was a knock on the door as Zane, Alex, and Kawaii~Chan stood waiting out in the hallway for that exact sound, and as soon as they heard it Zane went to open the door, allowing Daniel and one other werewolf in.

     " I brought the doctor!"

     " Daniel, please, call me mom."

     " Alright, doctor mom!"

     " Please," the doctor spoke to those already in the house." Where is the patient?"

     " He's upstairs."

     " I'll take you to him."

     Just as Daniel and his mother went up to where Garroth lay, Blaze came down to talk to the others.

     " How is Garroth?"

     " I-I don't know... he's in utter pain, Melissa gave him some severe painkillers to calm him down from screaming."

     " Is he-"

     " Please, I don't know anything on his condition, all I'm going to tell you is that he's in pain but... at least he's alive."

     " That's... that's..."

     " Hey, look, the only comforting thing that I can tell you is that Daniel's mom is one of the only doctors that has dealt in cases of Aaron's family, she's a good doctor, and that's why Mr. Lycan had her here on the island, in case something like this happened."

     The others took this in with a sad silence.

     " Just... take it easy knowing that she can... try to help..."

     " T-thanks..."

     Alex fell onto the sofa before curling into a small ball in the corner as the others exchanged glances before going to sit next to her.

     " I could've stopped this... I could've- If I hadn't been so blinded with rage... Ein... he's here... I saw him... I tried to stop him... every time I try something happens! Every time I try someone gets hurt..."

     " Alex," Kawaii~Chan said softly, hugging her friend." You know he would want you to keep trying your best."

     " I know... I know... I just don't know how..."

A/N: WHO'S EXCITED FOR ANOTHER SAD SEASON!? There's only one more episode in season 5 before we move on to season 6, a very fun season both to read and to write, so that's great... Never Have I Ever?

( Alex's question): Never Have I Ever won a marathon; I feel like Alex would've run a lot of marathons because 'I'm healthy enough to run one and thus I should run one' but she never won... probably got like second or third but never first.

As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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