Unexpected Visitors ( Season 4 of Mystreet; Episode 2)

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Wolves and Woods ( LVIII )

     A sound of a door breaking off its hinges was heard all the way from where the five stood in the garage, causing everyone to look up, towards the door, in surprise.

     " What was that?"

     " It sounds like someone kicked through the door."

     Kim began to panic again." It's the murderer coming to get us!"

     " Shush Kim, calm down."

     " We're all going to be okay," Alex said, trying to sound comforting despite the fear evident in her voice.

     " I'm going to go check it out," Aaron volunteered.

     " Right behind you."

     " I'll come too."

     " Same."

     " Are you guys crazy!? That's what he wants!" Kim exclaimed before turning to see that everyone had already left." Wait for me!"

     The group of young adults ducked behind a pile of boxes as they watched an entire pack of wolves go searching through the main room, led by an unknown person.

     " Oh my Irene, those are wolves!"

     " Should we shoo them away?"

     " That is not a good idea."

     " Those wolves look like they could tear us apart."

     " We're dead!"

     " We aren't dead... hopefully... so long as we're quiet... and they don't smell us," Alex said in a hushed tone in an awful attempt to calm down Kim as they watched the wolves sniff their bags.

     Suddenly Garroth sneezed, causing all the wolves to turn in their direction.

     " We're so dead, we're so dead, we're so dead, we're so dead, we're so dead!"

     The pair of wolves nearest to them began heading towards the boxes before the mysterious person called them back and the entire group headed out the door, the human only pausing for a moment to look around before disappearing as well, allowing the five friends to let out relieved sighs.

     " That was way too close."

     " Tell me about it."

     " I'm so sorry... I almost turned us into dog food... uhh... Kim?" he turned to the girl who was still huddled next to all the boxes before she turned around, a look of terror etched in her face." Kim!?"

     " We... could've... died-" she passed out on the floor as both Alex and Garroth rushed over to help her.

     " I think... we all need a moment to recollect ourselves after that."

     " Right, let's close the door."


     " How's Kim doing?"

     " I... uhh... think she's fine-"

     " She's doing alright," Alex said simply." My guess is she just passed out from the shock of it all and she should be awake in at least a few minutes... what? I went to vet school, I at least have some medical experience."

     " I've been poking her to see if she wakes up sooner."

     " What's that going to do!?"

     " Wake her up, I dunno, why're you yelling at me!?"

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