Laurance's Baby Brother ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode 13)

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Honestly... It Wasn't That Stupid An Idea, All Things Considered ( XL )

     " Cassandra, you're a legend."

     " Eeeee!" Alex squeaked happily before turning around to see if her roommate had woken up, and stopped when she noticed he had.

     Garroth sat up, rubbing his eyes." Thanks for agreeing to act as my alarm clock, Lex."

     She smiled brightly." No problem, if it means I have an excuse to watch The Librarians every morning then I'm up for it. And since I've already cleaned my half of the room, taken my shower, got dressed, brushed my hair, eaten breakfast, brushed my teeth, walked Cossette, and gone on my daily bike ride for the morning, I can just finish this episode."

A/N: I wish I could do that, I went through two librarians episodes to find this quote ( and may or may not have stopped looking for a minute to watch one seen) and now I have to wait until I'm done with all my work today before I can finish watching it.


     " Aww, glad to hear... say Laurence, any idea where the mustard went? It keeps disappearing."

     Alex started downstairs after finishing rewatching yet another episode of The Librarians.

     " Don't worry about lunch Garroth, I was going to make some Egg Salad sandwiches... err... can I ask why there's a baby on the kitchen counter?"

     " What? A baby? Why would there be a baby on the counter?"

     " I don't know, but there is one and I don't know how it got here but it looks an awful lot like Laurence."

     " Laurence? What?" He turned around and noticed the baby." Laurence! What happened to you!?"

     " Now I'm sure there's a logical explanation to this," Alex said, trying to stay calm although she was clearly panicking.

     He made a few more odd baby noises.

     " A potion from Lucinda!?" When Garroth got no response he just continued talking." Say no more buddy! I know just who can fix this, but first let me open this window. You really made a mess, now come on, we need to get you back to your old self again."


     " Hmm? Did you hear that?" Zane asked as the four of them, himself, Garroth, Alex, and the baby, all sat in his room.

     " Hear what?"

     " Never mind. Are you sure this is Laurence?"

     " I'm sure as day! Look at him, same hair color, same eyes, adorable smile, it's definitely him."

     Alex nodded." We think there's a possibility he got ahold of one of Lucinda's potions."

     " Oh... well sucks to be him."

     " Zane!"

     " What? Look I've been there before Garroth, and it's terrible! I don't want to get involved in this."

     " How can being a baby be that bad?"

     " Trust me. It was bad."

     " There must have been some good parts about it."

     " Well... well maybe..." the black-haired boy muttered.

     " What was that?"

     " I said what's with this baby!?" He quickly yelled.

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