Kawaii~Chan and Zane ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode Kind of 44)

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Like I Said. ' Wonderful' ( LIV )


     " We came as soon as we heard."

     " Katelyn the door!"

     " I don't got time for doors, Kawaii~Chan did he hurt you!? I swear I'll-!"

     " Katelyn, Alex, a moment please?"

     " I can't I-" The older of the two sisters stopped upon receiving a glare from both her younger sibling and her short friend.

     " Now Katelyn."

     " Okay geez, don't get to get all scary on me. What is it Aphmau I've got to go and destroy Damien."

     " Katelyn," the girl responded calmly." I know how you get when you're all riled up, especially when someone has hurt your friends, but for Kawaii~Chan's sake, let's not jump to conclusions."

     " Umm, Damien dumped Kawaii~Chan, that's all I need to know."

     " Well Kate, we don't actually know what happened, what the whole story was, and such and such, there's always the possibility things just didn't work out between the two of them and Kawaii~Chan made the decision to break it off."

     " Then what am I supposed to do!?"

     " Stop. Breath."

     The blue-haired girl took in a deal breath.

     " Now, before we go talk to Kawaii~Chan, let it all out... better?"

     " Better, sorry I was riled up, what we should be doing right now is focusing on making Kawaii~Chan feel better, we shouldn't just jump to conclusions."

     " Exactly Kate, good job."

     " Thanks, I've been working on myself... now, let's go cheer up our friend."

     " Right."

     " Sooo, Kawaii~Chan... how 'bout we forget about boys and just go out and have a great time at the con, eh? Come on, what'dya say?"

     " Hmm..."

     " Look, I got this little red bow!... see! Isn't it great!?"

     " Kawaii~Chan doesn't feel like going at all."

     " Oh, alright then."

     " B-but the bow! It's so cute!"

     " Welp, Kawaii~Chan like it or not you're going out with us and we're going to have a blast."

     " I don't-"

     " Nope! Katelyn is right, it's bad for you to be cooped up alone in here after what happened. Come on, we're going."

     " Aph are you sure about this?" Alex asked timidly, just wanting the best for her Meifwa friend.

     " Yes, this should be good for her."

     " But-"

     " Now now Missy, let's get a move on." Katelyn pushed the shorter of the pink-haired girls out of the room as the other followed close behind.


     " Hey, how 'bout we do para para Kawaii~Chan!"

     " Oh yeah, you guys always do that!"

     " I have no clue what you guys are talking about but yes, I agree."

     " I appreciate what you're trying to do but I can't help it, Damien is still on my mind."

     Katelyn sighed." Kawaii~Chan I hate to ask this because it's really none of my business but... why did you and Damien break up?"

     " Katelyn!"

     " What, if we know then maybe we can help her."

     " I don't want to talk about it..."

     " Fine, then Kawaii~Chan I'm going to do para para, when you're feeling better please come and join me."

     " Katelyn wait!"

     A notification went off on Alex's phone as Aphmau chased after the other girl, she looked from her screen to the sad meif~wa before crouching down to her friend's level.

     " I've got to go do something, if you want you can come with me, or I can say I can't go right now."

     " No, it's fine, I just want to be alone right now."

     " If you're sure about that."

     " I just need some time to think, I'm okay, really."

     " Alright, but I'll send Aph to check on you in a little while, is that okay?"

     " Yep!"


     " We're easily the best couple here."

" I don't mean to sound too overconfident," Alex said." But I think I'm going to agree, from the little you've shown me of Fullmetal Alchemist, but from what I have seen I think Mei and Alphonse are really cool!"

     " Aww! You're right, and with their help we're going to win this thing!"

     " I'm a bit nervous though, I don't normally cosplay... and at any rate, I don't watch a ton of animated TV, to begin with."

     " You'll be fine, don't worry about it."

     " I'm positive you'll do great Alex." Aphmau appeared out of practically nowhere, with Aaron next to her, both of them also entering the contest." Unfortunately, it won't matter once Aaron and I win this!"

     " In your dreams!" Lucinda yelled, trying to support Garroth and Alex.

     " We're taking first!"

     " Alright, thanks everyone for coming out, we'll announce the winners in thirty minutes."

     " Good lu-"

     " They're just delaying the inevitable for you guys."

     " OH, THAT'S IT! Come 'ere you!" Aphmau chased after the already running Garroth as Aaron, Lucinda, and Alex all just smiled and shrugged their shoulders.

A/N: And there's chapter 44! We're getting to the end of season 3 and are soon going to be reaching the more heart-wrenching seasons also known as 4 and 6 and parts of 5, so that's going to be a fun time for me to write and you to read. As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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