Reborn PT.1 ( Season 6 of Mystreet; Episode 15)

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The Final Battle Approaches ( XCVIII )

     " At the very least we need to get back to everyone else, maybe Lucinda can do something about his burns..."

     " You rang!?" Lucinda shouted across the, for the most part, empty room." You know, if I can hear my name from a mile away-"

     " Lucinda! Quick! We need your help!"

     " Oh no..."

     " Is everything okay?"

     The witch didn't respond, and instead quickly ran down to the platform Kim, Aphmau, and a very wounded Aaron, were standing on.

     " What happened?"

     " He was trapped in another place... it was dark, and I had to use the realm breaker to get him out, ghost said that these were-"

     " Void burns," Lucinda finished for her." I've only read about them... I don't think he's in any danger right now, other than the pain... I might be able to do something but... not here."

     " We'll worry about me when we all get out of here."

     There was silence for a minute as Aaron weakly stood up. Alex watched with a sad smile as she followed behind Katelyn and Garroth, as the three of them walked over to the rest of the group. It was a few seconds before either of those mind-controlled spoke.

     " Hey..."

     Aphmau didn't say anything in response for a moment, but instead just ran to give the two a hug." I'm so glad you two are safe!"

     " My body moved on its own... I didn't want to hurt anyone..."

     " I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do any of it, I couldn't stop it..."

     Aaron looked down at the ground." What happened to you guys... didn't happen to me, I made those choices on my own, everything was because of my own actions..."

     Garroth and Katelyn tearfully gave Aaron a hug as well, as the others stood in silence before the Cannon started shaking again. Once the sudden movement had stopped, everyone's eyes widened even more, as they all spotted a Guardian Force member pointing his gun at Aaron, before slowly walking toward the group.

     Alex, being the first to recover from the shock, jumped in between her friend and the man with a weapon, bringing up a shield of emeralds as soon as her feet hit the floor.

     " It would be so easy, and all of this would be over... no one else would have to live in fear... no one else's family torn apart... you're just a monster... so... easy."

     Aaron shut his eyes in preparation to get stopped while Alex, the only person standing in between the Ultima and his death, glared past her wall of protection, almost as though she was daring for him to shoot at the group.

     " Toby! What're you doing!?" Rowan entered the large room before noticing the group of people in the center of the room." Toby put the rifle down!"

     " And give this up!? I have the opportunity to end this entire struggle right here and now! One more step and I will fire!"

     There were a few moments where no one spoke, Aphmau ran to give her boyfriend a hug, and Nana, much to the surprise of everyone, ran in front of Alex's shield.

     " Nana don't!" Zane hissed as he ran to her, grabbing the meif~wa's hand.

     " What're you doing?... Get out of my way!"

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