Cosplay and Chaos ( Season 1 of Mystreet; Episode 34)

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A/N: For anyone interested, during this chapter, Alex is cosplaying as Katara from Avatar The Last Airbender.

... Yep, Such A Fun Time Taking No Interest In The Convention Topic ( XIX)

     Almost everyone stood around the hotel room, waiting for the rest of their friends to get finished changing into their cosplay costumes.

     " Ahhh! It's the first day!" Kawaii~Chan said, bouncing around after leaving the bathroom." Kawaii~Chan is so excited!"

     " Geez, Kawaii~Chan's going to kill my ears with her screaming," Garroth complained.

     Dante laughed." You act like this is the first convention you've ever been to, you know she always gets like this."

     " It's nothing new, I bet this convention is going to be the same as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. The same things always happen and yet it's always somehow enjoyable," Alex pointed out as she pulled on the wig for her Katara costume.

     " Yeah, every year you complain about coming and let enjoy it just as much as the rest of us," Laurence said with a laugh.

     Alex crossed her arms and shrugged." I get happy when my friends are happy... well, if you call this-" she jerked her head over in the direction of Katelyn and Lucinda's argument."- Happy."

     Suddenly Travis walked past their conversation, dragging Lucinda along behind him.

     " Dang it," Laurence said, checking his watch before starting towards the door." Pokemon tournament's going to start in just a few minutes. I've got to get going."

     " Hey!" Garroth yelled to his best friend." Wait up! I'm in that tournament too!"

     Alex laughed at her friends before turning to her sister." Would you mind letting Aph know we're going to be down at the convention?"

     " Why can't you ask her yourself?"

     " I know I may not seem to be interested in Anime con but there are a few things I would like to check out before the crowds get too big."


     " Alex?" The freckled girl looked up in confusion before turning to look at Zane." You've known Aphmau since High School? Wouldn't you say I'm her best friend?"

     Alex raised an eyebrow." I mean, she hated you in high school, and for good reason, but now a day yeah."

     Zane turned to Aaron." See? I'm clearly Aphmau's best friend, even Alex said so."

     " Woah woah woah, if this is that same argument Aaron told about from the other day I will have nothing to do with this."

     " Aaron told you about it?"

     " Yeah? I get he's quiet around pretty much everyone but Aphmau, but he also helped out Aph and me out with a slight problem in our Sophomore year of High School, and after that, we kept in touch in case of any other emergencies of that sort. And quite frankly I agree with his stance on the matter, Aphmau can have as many best friends as she so chooses, I myself have five best friends and if she wants two friends of equal value to her, that's her decision."

     " It's a fight to the death between the three of us then."

     " First, I already said I'm staying out of this, second I never claimed to be Aph's best friend, and third I'd like to avoid any fights to the death, even if I'm not in one myself."

     " And I don't see why we both can't be her best friend-"

     " Fight to the death!"

     " Nope, I'm out of here, Bonne chance Aaron, I'm not joining any battles today."


     " So, fears, all in the past, fading so fast, I won't stay hidden anymore. I'm who I am, and I think that's worth fighting for, and nobody out there ever gets to define..."

     Alex paced around the convention center for the ninth time that day, not having a direct plan on where she wanted to go, once she'd finished visiting anything she took interest in. After a few more minutes of walking aimlessly, she sighed, before heading to the exit and then to the hotel they were all staying at. Once she got back to the room she was staying in, she pulled out her computer and began watching an episode of The Librarians, her friends may enjoy the kinds of things at Anime Con, but she enjoyed quite different shows.

A/N: Again! So, so sorry for the short chapter but I didn't feel like Alex would be the type to stand around and watch an actual fight but I did want to introduce her outfit for the first convention day as well as because this is a series of episodes that are all connected it didn't feel right not to have her in all of them. As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, something semi-major is going to happen in the next one, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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