Maids and Butlers ( Season 3 of Mystreet; Episode 10)

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The Job This Author Would Never Take ( XXXVIII )

     " Ladies and Gentlemen!"

     " There's only one Lady in the audience," Garroth pointed out.

     " Oh... umm... then, Laurence and Gentelmen!"

     " Hey!" Laurence retaliated.

     " So sorry Laurence~Kun, and Alex~Sama, Kawaii~Chan thought it was funny because your name started with an L like-"

     " I get it! Still wasn't funny."

     Zane laughed." I think Miss. Chan has a sense of humor after all."

     " It was pretty funny," Garroth agreed while laughing as well. Laurence turned for Alex's support, only to see she was trying to hold back a laugh as well.

     " Just get on with the show babe," Travis complained." Geez!"

     " Oh, right, Kawaii~Chan is proud to present to you her most cutest design yet! Allow me to introduce Kawaii~Chan's new line of clothing she calls 'little maid Kawaii Parade fashion'."

     Gene stepped onto the stage in his new outfit, made by Kawaii~Chan.

     " First up we have Mr. Gene, dressed from head to toe in the cutest of maid fashion, this suit's vest is made of pure satin and the cuff links are just to die for! He is set to serve and show the customers the great time they deserve."

     Before anyone could applaud Kawaii~Chan for all the hard work she'd put into the outfit design Zane spoke." Boo!... Boo! Look how he's displaying it, I could've done it better than that, he isn't even flaunting it."

     " For your information calm, cool, and collected is exactly what the ladies like."

     " Ha! Like you would know."

     " Can we please not start this now?" Alex asked timidly, glancing over to see what Kawaii~Chan thought of the argument.

     " At least I've had a girlfriend before!"

     " I don't see her here now!"

     " Guys, guys calm down," Aaron instructed." There's still one outfit we haven't seen."

     " Ohhhhhhhohohoho I see," Dante said in realization as Alex turned to look at him as though he was insane.

     Aaron turned red." What?"

     Once the 'audience' had settled down again Kawaii~Chan spoke." And last but not least, the outfit Kawaii~Chan spent most of her time on- because Kawaii~Chan is going to be wearing it as well- allow me to introduce Miss Aphmau!"

     Aphmau stepped out in the purple maid outfit?... uniform?... dress?... thing? that Kawaii~Chan had made.

     " As you can see, Miss. Aphmau is debuting the newest of maid outfits on the block. The apron is made with pure silk which allows her to bedazzle her customers with not only beauty and grace, but style as well!"

     The others applauded her for a few minutes, unlike what had happened to Gene, before Alex glanced over at Aaron before whispering to her two best friends." I think we've lost Aaron."


     " Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing? Say do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes."

      " Man I can't believe Aphmau is paying us to hang out."

      Garroth laughed." We're not hanging out, we're helping her fix the outside, remember?"

     Alex nodded." He has a point, we are working."

     " You aren't," Laurence pointed out." You're sitting on the floor."

     " That's only because I'm listening to a sad song."

     " Then skip the song!"

     " It's not a bad song, it's a really good one it just makes me cry whenever I listen to it."

     Laurence sighed." At any rate, it seems like time's flying by."

     " I know what you mean, it's great to work with everyone on this, kind of like a fun hobby."

     " Exactly! Which brings me to my next question, would you guys want to work at Aphmau's cafe?"

     " Huh? Why're you asking that all of a sudden?"

     " Well, I've been thinking that it'd be fun to be around everyone, like only times."

     " Well... I would look really amazing in that suit."

    " Exactly... plus we really could help Aph, it just seems kind of weird to me that the only person aside from Kawaii~Chan that ended up helping her out was Gene, I don't know, I guess I kind of feel bad about it for some reason."

   " Huh? That's silly, why hasn't Lucinda or Katelyn applied?"

    " Well, Lucinda has her own business and Katelyn-"

    " Travis brought up the idea with Kate and she replied with something like 'I'd never wear a maid outfit' but she did say she'd be more open to wearing the Butler outfit."

    " Yeah, that's totes more her style."

   " Hey guys," Aaron approached the three.

   " Wow, looking nice Aaron."

   " Thanks, here you guys have to get in uniform too."

   " Wow, we get one!"

   " Let's go put them on right now!"


     " I was so excited to put on the uniform I forgot to ask, what're we doing?"

    " We're going to go put up a sign and decorations for the grand opening," Aaron explained." It's only in a few days."

   " Awesome!"

  " Let's go!"

   " Come on, let's get started!"


   " Hey, Aph?" Alex asked nervously after finishing up with moving all the boxes." I've been doing some thinking... I mean I'm always thinking about one thing or another but-"

    " Alex calm down, what is it?"

     " I was talking with Garroth and Laurence earlier, outside, and I was wondering if I could work here, at least until I find a job as a Veterinarian. I went home during my lunch break and made an application, if you want it that is, and-"

     " Alex it's fine! I don't have to see you're application, I've known you since high school after all and we used to be housemates, but if you want to show it to me that'd be fine too."

     " Oh! Okay, I'll just leave it here on the table in case you want to look at it, I'd better help Garroth, Laurence, and Aaron out with decorating, see you around!"

A/N: Sorry if this came out later in the day then expected ( geez I keep saying this) but my excuse this time is I got distracted by Casekiel ( Ezekiel x Cassandra from The Librarians) things... I'm a bit obsessed with that show if you couldn't already tell. At any rate, this story ( on Wattpad) got two votes just yesterday, the first votes I've ever gotten on any of my stories, and I am over the moon about that! As always I hope someone at least somewhat enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you feel like it, any to all comments make my day, and have a good day. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

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