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"Jezabelle, you will love it princess. It's a whole new adventure!" 

"But mom!" 

The little blonde girl whines while pouting. Her arms crossed against her chest as she sinks in the back seat. Her soft curls spiraling down to her shoulders. Grace couldn't help but smile at her young beauty that is her daughter. So much attitude for such a small girl and she is still so unaware of her own strength. 

The move was not ideal but the covenant were beginning to ask questions. Questions, Grace herself had no answer to. Her daughter was a strong little witch. Born of her and her deceased husband with a strength not many have seen. Grace has saw glimpses but the risk of the covenant stripping her powers was to high. That is why they are currently on their way with nothing but a few bags and the hope for a safe future. 


Grace stomps on the brakes just as a small girl dashes out of the trees lining the road. The girl has chestnut hair and chocolate eyes to match. Grace parks the car to get out and check on the young girl. Her hair tangled and her arms scratched up. It appeared she was loss. Walking timidly to the short young girl, Grace feels something... The girl was not a mere human. Her instincts fighting to turn back around and leave her there, however her nurture instincts win. 

"Sweetie, are you okay?"

The little girl looks wide eyed and her trembling hands wrap around her waist as if to protect herself. Grace's heart breaking at the sight. She is innocent yet looks to have been put through hell. Her footsteps are gentle and she kneels before the young girl. Her skin was not dark but not light. It appeared as if it had been touched by the sun for some time. 

Jezabelle watched from the back seat with an eyebrow raised. Finally waiting enough, she opens the back seat to see her mother now holding the girl's hand while the girl nods her head slowly. She takes the steps to stand by her mom to get a better look and instantly feels something. An invisible string connecting her to the young girl. She tilts her head in confusion and the young girl mirrors her. 

Grace looks between the two intrigued. Turning back to the young girl, she takes both her hands attempting to get her attention. However the young girl still has her eyes locked on her daughter. 

"My dear, what is your name?"

The brown doe eyes snap to her taking her breath away momentarily. 


Her voice is very soft and timid. Grace does not wish to scare her but needs further information. 

"Tara, that is a beautiful name... Do you have a family nearby?"

At this the young girl drops her head shaking her head no. Jezabelle instantly wraps her arms around the girl, the need to comfort her to great. Grace feels her heartbeat accelerate exponentially watching her daughter comfort the young girl. It is not common for that to be the reaction, most would feel repulsed touching another type of creature. It is not yet clear what Tara is though... Grace is sure she is not a witch. 

Jezabelle feels Tara wrap her arms around her waist holding her as she sobs. The young witch feeling her anger rise for whomever hurt her friend. She pulls back to cup the girls face before brushing her tears away. 

"Tara, will you join our family?"


"No mom, she needs to come with us." 

With that she tugs the young girl behind her as Grace stays frozen in her spot. Never has her daughter formed in attachment. Not to any other witches or warlocks in their covenant... but here she is REFUSING to let this young girl go. So she watches as they climb in the back seat while she gets to her feet to follow the young duo. She continues glancing back in the rear view mirror while driving down the road. 

Hell's Belles: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now