Chapter 39: Hell have no Fury

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Belle narrowed her eyes at the man slowly strolling around them. Colton's arm protectively in front of her. Kacia is knelt down on the ground behind her positioned in front of her the man who is still out do to the dart. Tara is holding Jake's large head in her lap. His wolf still out cold from the multiple tranquilizers that were shot at him. Nessa standing in front of the pair with her eyes blood red. Her body thrumming with the urge to kill. 

Colton's eyes survey the surroundings. More men appear to be coming from the tree line into the clearing where they stood. His wolf gnawing at him to come out. He turns his head slightly to look at Belle. Her stance strong, her head held high. 

"Tara, get Jake out of here. Come back for Kacia and-"


Belle snaps her head down to her sister. Her eyes pure amber now. Belle looks to the man before addressing her sister. "He is yours to protect now. We will be okay."

Kacia's eyes flickering as she has an inner debate. She gives a small head nod before a bright light illuminates. Belle turns her attention back to the man in front of her. He walks closer looking directly where Tara once was with Jake. His eyes glistening with rage as his mouth turns into a sneer. 

"Knew I should have just killed her. She was the odd one of the group..." His eyes drifting to each of the remain three. "Actually you all are abnormal. An abomination to your kind."

Belle steps forward even with Colton trying to stop her. Her eyes focused solely on the so called Alpha. "Don't worry Alpha... You won't have to worry about that soon enough."

"I couldn't agree more."

His teeth bare and he begins transforming. Belle can feel the wind shift and know Tara has returned. A moment later the wind shifts and she knows Kacia and the man are safe. Now that leaves Colton, Nessa and herself.

A loud growl makes her see the alpha's true form. His dark coat a contrast to the forrest surrounding it. His size reminds Belle of a bear. He is a great deal larger than some of the werewolves she has seen previous. Colton is slightly smaller than this man. 

Another loud growl makes her turn to see that Colton has transformed as well. Both Alphas take off charging full force at each other. Teeth snapping, claws scratching at any and everywhere on each other. Colton gets a lock on his fur but is not close enough to his neck. He bites down hard making the Alpha snarl in pain before jerking to try releasing Colton's grip. It goes in vein. 

A hand to Belle's arm pulls her attention as Nessa places her back to Belle's. Her eyes finally noticing the others that have not transformed yet. "Nessa, don't-"

"Love you Belles"

Just like that the vampire dashes away. Her body running at speeds not able to be seen by the naked eye. Belle watches as some of the wolves are thrown into the air. It was like a domino effect as Nessa whipped through them with no remorse. 


Belle looked to the heavens to find the source. A dark shadow quickly flying over. She screams out as her body rages with power. Her head flying to the skies before she feels her body heat rise astronomically. Her arms completely engulfed with flames. She begins flinging her arms as she throws fire at all spectators. The men transforming realizing the depth of the situation. Belle breathes out the remaining of the fire before lifting her arms. Her body rising into the air to survey below. 

The two Alphas are still fighting each other but Belle can tell Colton is loosing ground. Alpha Talson lands on top of him pinning Colton to the ground. Belle inhales sharply before yanking her arm before making a throwing motion. A large boulder comes flying at Talson. His body sandwiched between a tree and the rock. He pushes at it before standing back up. Belle makes her way down to Colton. 

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