Chapter 2: First Impressions

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"I'm not ready for this..." 

Tara continues picking at her nails while muttering the words lowly. She has not been this fearful since they were 7. It was the first time someone attempted to separate her from her sisters. Grace pulling them from school gave her the biggest sense of relief. She is pulled from her thoughts as a hand lands on her own. Turning to her sister, Kacia gives her a knowing look and a firm squeeze. 

"This is it Baby T, you can do this." 

At this Jezabelle pulls up beside their car on her motorcycle. The bike looking like a beast. Tara can't help but sigh seeing her. She looks like a hurricane in heels. Belle throws the kickstand out before climbing off the bike. The parking lot deserted since they decided to stop for breakfast. The blonde hair swaying in the soft breeze as she walks over tossing her helmet in the back seat of Kacia's car. She kisses her sister's head knowing how scared she is. They decided to mask her scent to make it appear as a witch's. The girls have almost identical schedules and Tara is never to be alone. 

"Come on angel, let's get a move on." 

Tara nods her head at Belle climbing out of the convertible. Instantly the girls link arms together walking to the front doors. The halls empty as they walk to the office to collect their time tables. Walking in, the secretary automatically smiles at them. Her smile falters when she notices the last girl. Her eye brow raised at Kacia before turning her attention back to Belle. 

"How can I help you ladies?"

"We need our time tables"


"Kacia, Tara, and Jezabelle Roman" 

At this the secretary's eyes snap open wide eye. Her eyes scanning over each of them slowly. 


Her voice full of disbelief as her finger points to each of them. Kacia gives a forced smile as her eyes begin to glow. A squeeze from Tara making her exhale and relax her tense muscles. Belle steps forward making the secretary snap her attention back to her. 

"These are my sisters and we need our time tables... please." 

Her voice not holding an underlining tone of warning. The secretary clears her throat looking down to her computer before typing and printing the forms. Jezabelle quickly rips them from her hands before turning and leaving the office. She begins reading over to make sure they did them correctly. The girls were together for three classes, two she had only with Tara and the last two she had alone. Kacia was similar with only two classes by herself. Tara had each of them for every lesson due to her secret. It was imperative that she not get too closely examined. 

"Alright girls, I have Art." 

Kacia and Tara nod taking their schedules to see they had Literature to get to. Giving a final hug, Jezabelle begins walking the corridors finding her way to her first class. She huffs before knocking and opening the door. The teacher along with the students all turning to look at her. The teacher raises an eyebrow as Belle hands over her table showing she had this class. 

The teacher nods in understanding and gestures to open the seats in the room. She looks up and looks around to find out that the class was full of a girls with only a few guys. The girls were flocked around them giving her disgusted and judgmental looks. She rolls her eyes walking over to a chair near the window throwing down her small bag before looking out the window. Her mind now wandering about her sisters. Specifically Tara and if she has had any problems walking in with Kacia. 

Her thoughts are cut off with the sound of screech from the chair beside her. She can smell the person and instantly knows he's is a wolf. She huffs not wanting to deal with this. The teacher begins speaking about an assignment making her look back to the front. Her face feeling eyes drilling into the side of her head making her sigh before turning back to the window refusing to give the person any of her attention. Throughout the entire lesson, she can feel eyes constantly on her.

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