Chapter 6: First Kiss

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"Alright my girls, I have to go... BEHAVE!"

Grace shouts while the girls continue laughing from their room. The soft click of the door letting them know that their mother has left. It was Saturday night and the girls decided to have a fun night in. Or that's at least what they had in mind.

Dressing up and doing makeup in the vanity. Tara walks over turning up their music as they all begin bouncing around to the beat. Their voices lulling around the room in harmony to the music of Ellie Goulding. After they finish dressing up, Tara pulls out her phone and smiles. Her sisters however begin making funny faces making Tara pout slightly. That is until Nessa pounces on her making her fall backwards on the bed in a fit of giggles. Kacia and Belle close behind to fall on the bed laughing along.

Belle listens to the lyrics and closes her eyes in bliss. Her sisters and mother have always been her center of gravity. Lately her mind has been invaded with a certain pair of emerald eyes. Lying here now, her chest begins to warm just at the mere thought of him. Her hand going to rub over her heart. The motion doesn't go unnoticed however.

"Belle, you okay?"

Opening her eyes she tilts her head to look to Nessa who is look at her concerned. She smiles nodding gently. Kacia's hand reaching forward to run through Jezabelle's hair. Her smirk on her baby sister making Belle gulp.

"She can feel him"

Nessa and Tara snap their heads at Kacia awaiting her to explain. All the while Belle continues looking to her. Kacia continues gingerly running her fingers through her sister's golden threads.

"What do you mean?" Tara asks confused. Kacia smiles and sighs before answering.

"Her bond with Colton is becoming stronger. A mate bond is the strongest power one can hold in the werewolf world. She is bound to an alpha bloodline. Their bond allows them to feel the other. It comes in handy when one is in pain."

Nessa's eyes narrow before she closes them trying to not allow her emotions to rule her. Tara squeezes her side but it still is not enough. She gently pushes Tara to get out of the bed walking over to the balcony stepping out. The night air hitting her face making her take a deep breath. She doesn't want to fight with Belle. She is only concerned.

The three sister's remain on the bed looking to their sister's back who is standing outside. Belle feels rejected and slightly hurt by her sister's reaction. She drops her head which makes Kacia take action. She gets up from the bed leaving Tara to curl up to Belle. Kacia walks onto the balcony silently. Nessa doesn't even turn around from her spot. Kacia knows that her sister is aware that she is here.

"Take a run with me."

Kacia commands not giving her sister a choice. Nessa may be the oldest but Kacia has always acted like a mother to her sisters. Nessa can't even say anything as Kacia jumps from their balcony landing on her feet below. Nessa closes her eyes momentarily before taking a deep breath and following after her sister. Both going towards the woods. A growl emits from Kacia's throat before she changes mid stride to her wolf form. Nessa grunts but picks up speed to keep up with her coat.

Arriving in the center of the woods where their is fire pit. Kacia shifts back, her chest heaving while turning to her stubborn sister. Nessa doesn't seem fazed fully aware of why she was told to come. Nessa stands ready to defend herself. Kacia throws her hands up.

"Let's have it."

"What?" Nessa says trying to act confused. Kacia doesn't buy it.

"We promised each other to never lie. Now... tell me."

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