Chapter 30: Future Luna

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The sun filter in causing Belle to blink her eyes awake trying to adjust to the brightness. Her body thrumming with a new found energy. The heat on her back causing her to smile while rubbing her hand over Colton's arm that has wrapped itself around her bare stomach. His head pressed into her hair as he continues sleeping away. She goes to lift his arm and he tightens his hold making her silently chuckle. 

"Where are you going?" Colton grumbles while his thumb rubs her stomach slowly. 

He begins rubbing his head into her hair inhaling her scent. His hold on her not relenting as she laughed trying to wiggle out. This only caused his body to react as he emitted a low growl. Belle felt his arousal on her backside and stiffened slightly. She didn't move for a moment as Colton breathed through it before lifting his arm to allow her movement. She turns in his hold facing him to give him a gentle kiss before pulling back. 

"I need to use the restroom." 

Colton chuckles softly pointing to the door in his room. She gets up reaching down for the only thing she could find which was Colton's shirt. Slipping it on, she makes her way to the bathroom to do her business and wash her hands before coming back. Colton is propped up against the headboard on his bed. His eyes slowly going down her form. Her body reacting as her heart rate sped up. He inhaled deeply and his eyes turning yellow. 

"Come here"

It was a command, not a request. Belle's feet taking her as her eyes remained locked with the yellow hues. She gets within arm reach before he coils his arm around her and tugging her to fall on his lap. She laughs gently and relents to him. His hand going to her leg and slowly creeping upward. 

Knock Knock

Colton and Belle going stiff. Belle quickly gets up trying to find her clothes. Colton stands up to stop her when another round of knocks resonate. 

"HOLD ON!" He hollers at the intruder. He yanks up his boxers from the previous night before turning to Belle. She is still in his shirt. He walks to her kissing her forehead. 

"I need to go" Her words a whisper in hopes no one can here outside. She pecks his lips once before stepping back. "Tara"

Colton's brows furrow together but a light shines and Tara is stand beside Belle. Her eyes are wide but before she question it. Belle leans over telling her home. Tara nods trying to look anywhere other than the half naked boy in the room. Another light flashes and they're gone. Colton curses under his breath before going to the door to yank it open. 


"Dude, you need to start getting- WOAH!" Jake stops midsentence pushing his friend aside. Smelling the room that clearly had a guest recently. He turns back to his best friend who looks ready to murder him. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Yes" Colton says in a deadpan voice shutting his door and walking to the closet. Jake looks around the room while he is gone. 

"How the hell was she here? Where did she go?? Was sunshine here?!" Jake begins shooting questions out as Colton re-emerges from the closet with clothing on. 

"She came, she left, Yes she was, and you scared Belle away."

Jake stands with his hands up in surrender. Colton huffs turning to the bathroom in his room before slamming the door shut. Jake releases his breath and makes a quick exit knowing Colton's pissed right now. 

Colton comes down shortly after Jake ran away to find the great hall a buzz with the new guest sitting near the head of the table with his parents. He doesn't say anything as he sits down to eat however the whole room goes quiet. He can feel their gazes but doesn't lift his eyes. 

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