Chapter 27: Heat

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"God I HATE school!"

"I love it! I get to spend the day with you guys!"

Belle looks behind her to find Jake with his arm thrown over Tara's shoulder. Kacia standing on the other side of Tara staring intently at Jake's arm. Belle sighs feeling drained turning back shutting her locker. It's the end of the week here and more importantly the evening the Elders will be arriving at Southern Crescent Pack. Belle has had her nerves bundled up all day and now she is just feeling drained. The only source of comfort-

"Stop it sweetheart..."

She releases a heavy breath throwing her head back onto the familiar shoulder. His arms like bands of steel holding her up against the impending dread creeping up on her. His voice low and bringing her a sense of serene that only he can summon. His scent is pure masculine and makes Belle's body warm in certain areas. For the last few days she has felt her skin heat from him. She constantly felt like if he wasn't near she was anxious but with him near... she also yearned for more. She wasn't sure what to think of this. 


Belle turns her head still laying against Colton. His face hidden in her shoulder and neck inhaling deeply. Kacia's eyes holding hers intently. Her sister is trying to portray something but she is not sure what. Kacia steps forward for her hand which Belle gives timidly... reluctant to step out of the comforting embrace. His arm however doesn't release her making her turn to him. She can see his eyes are of golden hues. 

"Colton, hey man! Let her go."

She turns to look at Jake who is slowly reaching out. Kacia keeps her eyes locked on Belle. At this point, she is highly confused. Her eyes going from the trio to Colton. She turns around in his embrace and runs her hand on his jawline to his cheek making his bright yellows lock on her. 

"I'm okay love..."

Her words a mere whisper before leaning up to kiss him softly. His grip tightening around her before exhaling deeply. She steps back feeling her body on fire. Kacia is quick to grab her arm and yank her back to her side. Tara taking her hand instinctively while all three girls look to Colton. Jake now standing in front of him with his hands up in a defensive gesture while his body is a barrier between them. 

"Colton... Control it man!"

"I can't"

His words are gritted out as he clutches onto the locker as he fights to control his wolf. Belle looks around to find everyone has left for the day leaving only them. Her hand coming up to touch her chest and neck. Her skin feels normal and yet she still feels extremely hot. Kacia inhales before turning to Tara.  

"Belle, you need to leave with Tara."

Tara squeezes Belle's hand making her turn to her. Just as Tara is about to faze, Colton growls loudly making Belle snap her attention to him. His eyes are no longer green but vibrant yellow. Jake is holding him back. Tara's light engulfs her and a moment later she is no longer in the school's hallway but standing in the middle of Hell's Belles. The bar is currently vacant getting ready to open for the night time rush. A few worker's are strolling around. 

"Tara, Belle?" Nessa is standing behind the bar cleaning a glass before whipping out in superhuman speed to look over both girls. "Where's Kacia?"

"Kacia told me to take Belle."

Tara chirps up looking slightly baffled as well. She looks around before spotting their mother and leaving the two sisters to run to her. Belle turns back to Nessa fanning herself. Nessa watches her actions intently. Leaning forward slightly, she reaches out to touch Belle's forehead. She isn't warm but her body language speaks differently. They both turn as their mother along with Tara come to her. 

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