Chapter 28: His Queen

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"The Elders"

Colton gives a slight bow but only due to his wolf wanting him to give his respect. He didn't have respect for them. He knows that they only show themselves when they believe there is a crucial matter at hand. This is the first time he has ever met them personally. 

The Elders give a nod of their heads in acknowledgment of his action. They turn back around as Penny practically drags Colton to stand by Desmond's side. All three presented while the five Elders continue to judge them. Colton digging his nails into his palms as he locks his jaw from spitting out his thoughts. 

"We are here to meet and evaluate your mate."

"Yes, a young Jezabelle Roman" Another one speaks up. 

Colton gives a forced smile and a nod in return. Penny can see her son's resistance to speak so speaks up for him. 

"She will be here tomorrow afternoon before the ceremony."

The Elders look to one another as if questioning 'why not tonight'. Desmond clears his throat gaining all of their attentions. 

"We understand what you are here for however Jezabelle is not a member of this pack formally and is not due to abide by our laws yet."

"Are you saying she is resisting her role as the future Luna?"

At this Colton's head snaps to the man who speaks the question. All eyes are set on the young alpha seeing his reaction to the question however his eyes are only trained on the one Elder. 

"She is ready to be Luna. She comes from a strong family with whom she is close and I will not separate her from them."

"Once she is Luna, she must reside with her pack..."

"Yes, ONCE she is! At the present time... she is NOT!"

Colton could feel this man's attempt to provoke him and was falling into his trap so easily. He didn't care, these people came to them with preconceived notions on how he and his queen were to be. He and his wolf would not stand for blatant disrespect no matter the source. Realizing the tension, he wills himself to take a deep breath to attempt to calm himself. 

"Belle is not a werewolf, you all are perfectly well aware of that. She is a witch with whom I was blessed by our moon goddess to be mated to. She is going to make a fine Luna... Until that day is upon us, she will remain where she pleases."

With that he leaves the room. The Elder's eyes set firmly on him until he leaves. His wolf yet again on edge. These simpletons believe they know what is best and yet they have no idea. Walking towards his stairs, he stops seeing Jake leaning against the wall in the hallway. A smirk playing on his lips. 

"Pissing off the Elders? That didn't take long." Jake says knowingly pushing off the wall. "Glad to see you're back in control."

Colton gives a nod of acknowledgment but doesn't comment. They walk towards his room before Jake pats him on the back and heads towards his own chambers. Walking in, he locks the door not wanting anyone to talk to him tonight. Colton walks to his bed flopping down as Belle's scent fills his nostrils from the pillows. He unconsciously lays down on her side as he inhales deeply. The scent becomes stronger followed by a soft giggle. He instantly snaps up and finds a blonde beauty standing on his balcony. The door barely opened as hypnotic blue eyes look to him with amusement. 

Belle stood outside watching as her stressed mate came in and felt herself smile fondly as he practically dived nose deep into her pillow that she has used on some occasions. Her light laughter alerting him to look her way and she couldn't help but stand still outside awaiting his reaction. His body slowly sliding off the bed as he cautiously walked to her. Belle could tell he wasn't sure if she was really there. To put his mind at ease, she felt her palm warm up and lifted it slightly allowing a small ball of fire to be produced. 

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