Chapter 7: Learning more

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Colton felt the soft touch of Jezabelle's hand in his own. It was the only relief he was currently getting from the nerves that were jumbled. His mind racing on all different ideas of how this will go. What will this woman be? A witch, a vampire, and a werewolf?? A slight squeeze to his hand  makes him look down to Jezabelle who gives him an amused smile. She leans over kissing his shoulder making sparks ignite on his skin.

"She doesn't bite"

Her soft words spoken lowly for only his ears. Nessa was already long gone but she wanted to reassure Colton. He looked terrified of the woman before even meeting her. Colton hums but doesn't comment as he begins seeing the lights of the house come into view. He can see from here that all the sisters are on the patio hugging another woman. He clears his throat still looking forward but can practically see the grin on his mate's face. Jezabelle doesn't understand how much this means to him. He does NOT want to screw this up.

Grace had her manager run the club tonight so she decided to come home early to be with the girls. She wasn't surprised to find them all dolled up. This is a routine they have when they have a girls night in. What she wasn't expecting is to find the girls coming from the backyard. Shrugging it off, she goes to the back yard to talk and spend the evening in the cool Texas air.

She was not prepared to find a man attached to her golden hair daughter. Her heart skipped a beat seeing their interlocked hands. It was clear that this is the mate she was speaking of earlier. He is a tall, very well structured young man. His skin has seen much son just like her daughter, Kacia. Must be a generic trait. Grace felt her heartbeat slow down seeing how happy her daughter was. Jezabelle had a twinkle in her eyes and large smile planted on her face. Grace waited patiently as they came the final distance to her. She opened her arms and Jezabelle was quick to release Colton running into her comforting hold. Grace peaked over her shoulder and saw the boy.

Colton could instantly feel his blood freeze when her dark eyes met his. He wanted to be able to read her thoughts but then she did something he wasn't expecting. She smiled... He released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Releasing Jezabelle from her hold, she takes a step to him. He straightens up more watching her carefully.

Grace almost giggled at how terrified the young man looked. She could smell the familiar scent that lingers on her beautiful Kacia. His isn't exactly like hers but she has come to known most wolves carry a detectable scent from other species. It is how most can tell what they are, besides humans. She takes a step to him still looking into his large emerald eyes. He straightens his spine making her almost crack. She continues smiling gently before taking the final step and hugging him.

Colton stands completely frozen in his spot. He was NOT expecting this reaction from her. A beautiful giggle makes his eyes snap to Belle's who is grinning widely and holding her sister's hands. He chuckles and returns the hug as the woman rubs his back comfortingly before pulling back.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Grace."

Colton chuckles dropping his head. Now his mind at ease hearing how laid back she is. She had no hint of anger, or worry. The only thing he could detect was amusement. He is sure that was due to his current state.

"I'm Colton Tate, it's a pleasure to meet you Grace."

With that Tara bundles over to her mom pulling her over to the large outdoor chairs. Belle releases Nessa and walks back over to Colton whose eyes are following her mother. His eyes snapping to her as she tugs on the hem of his shirt. She gives him a smile and hugs him which he returns without hesitation.

Nessa and Kacia walk over taking seats while Tara continues clutching onto Grace's arm. Her small form curling up to their mother on the couch. Kacia and Nessa take some long benches stretching out on them leaving the final couch for the love birds. Belle instantly curled to him as he smiled down content while wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

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